The thread is like a great way to inform people of the reality these turbos present.
The above turbo balance measurements highlight the need to get them balanced.
0.5g even 0.2g as shown above is sub par garbage.
But, to be fair if they advertise and you have a balance sheet that says they balance to 0.5 , then at least you know you have work to do, when you buy them.
b4llistic's pics show parts that would normally be thrown on the reject/recycle pile at a turbo manufacturer. Probably part of the reason they are cheap. Pick up imperfect 2nds parts for scrap prices bung them in the turbo. Arguably they are picking bits which might be functional with cosmetic damage but, with iron based parts the reason things chip is often in the metal structure, not just a clumsy machinist.
Although , the smart people arent saying these are comparible to pures etc.
Pay a 3rd of the price expect a 3rd of the quality or 3 times the hassle. Or at least you should be prepared to do some extra work.
Cheap/powerful/reliable pick 2.
So far I dont think we have any 17t let alone 19t china turbos in the leaderboards for 1/4mile or 1/2mile or cutting great circuit times , nor are we likely to. Not saying thats bad by the way.
As the cheap approach means if you dont have the coin to do the rest well, then cutting things like fueling , drivetrain and tyres are likely going to let the car down, even if there is some power. Good for power burnouts on the cheap and there is totally nothing wrong with that by the way.