How funny it is ! New member just reply to my post I never specified that I ordered on Ali but I sent the link to this post to the sellerWell try mister isppedytech but instead of take time to answer here you better have to send my money back... You're a liar and a scammer.
Goodness, this is probably the reason why I only lurked in the forum for the past year. Too much of mistrust and straight away the worst is assumed in people. I post to help someone alleviate their anxiety, and get called a liar immediately....
Anyways i'm sure not everyone here is like that, so to explain a bit:
I created this account in 2018 to communicate with jyamona when he first came out with flexfuel. Only used it to read the forum from time to time to see what's new since then.
I've attached a screenshot of my order on AliExpress for the turbos and inlets and communication with the seller ispeedytech.
My turbos and inlets have since arrived and are under my table in my office, waiting to be installed. I'll take some pictures of them and post here when I'm back in my office tomorrow.
A bit about myself:
My name in Vin and I'm from Singapore (where cars are stupidly expensive) and I drive an 2007 e93 335i. I'm an automotive engineer and I design emergency and special vehicles (fire trucks/ambulances etc) in Singapore.
back to topic on these Chinese turbos:
My initial thoughts on these ispeedytech turbos is that they did come with a balance sheet where the balancing is supposedly done in the UK. I find it highly unlikely that they were balanced in the UK as the items were shipped out straight from China to me here in Singapore.
Despite this, i do however believe that they actually are balanced, as it's quite obvious from where the nuts are ground down to remove material and balance the entire assembly. How well the balancing is done I'm not too sure though.
I'm considering getting a quote from a local workshop that does turbocharger rebuilds and balancing to tear it down and check the balance. There are some cons to this though, main one being additional costs and possible problems being introduced if the turbos were to be torn down, rebalanced and put back together. It would not make for a true "as is" test with regards to reliability of the turbos.
What are your thoughts?