1st. I did not comment on your post. I commented in the thread.
2nd. Every once in a while I click 'show ignored content'. Usually after I see all the responses from people who generally post educated well thought out responses and I get curious to what garbage you are spewing this time. I know it's you because you are the only one I have ever banned because you post so much detritus I would prefer not to read it. Nothing you post ever adds anything to the discussion or furthers things along. My life is literally better without having to read your dumb ass thoughts that you type onto this forum.
3rd Reading your posts are literally like the Billy Madison meme:
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4th. GFY. As said above, people are just getting tired of your shit. You leg hump VTT like you are literally their bitch, always talk shit but never back anything up. Anyone who says something you disagree with is a 'wanker'. You talk a lot of talk but never have anything to show from it. Your twin dynos are laughable at best. It does not appear you have the ability to have an actually discussion with some one without resorting to insults. Your posts are all over the Octagon like VTT. You have been found multiple times posting reviews of your own products under different user names on forums. Literally EVERY single one of your countrymen that I have ever run across talks shit about you. You have to be a real asshole for everyone I run into from Australia, which is a small number, and has shit to talk about you:
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Here you are bitch. DMECH1 can't get your name out of mouth. Wait...unless...you are the same person you piece of shit:
Only 44 posts and everyone one of them basically about MAD, Marty, a 135. Talking shit about how a 135 S65 conversion is not a true 1M, god where have we heard this all before?
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View attachment 66160<--AKA YOU are selling it on FB. On a group you have yet to be banned from.
View attachment 66161<-- Your company I mean demech's company I mean...
View attachment 66162<-- You are a fucking J O K E
View attachment 66163<--The one I supply myself runs great! Everything I make I mean Marty I mean MAD I mean dmech1 makes runs great!!!
View attachment 66164<-- What does his dick taste like? Cuz it is in your mouth constantly. Every other post VTT this, Tony that. I have never seen anyone suck so much vendor cock than you. Australia is owned by the Chinese. VTT is a Chinese distributor. Marty likes Chinese cock too?
View attachment 66165<-- but you are advertising it by posting Marty. You love talking in the 3rd person huh?
View attachment 66166<-- Why not dmech1? You are the same person.
View attachment 66167<-- God you love talking about yourself. It is comical. Also, very likely not good for your mental health.
View attachment 66168<-- HAHAAHAHAH![]()
View attachment 66169<-- How can you buy a car from yourself and then pat yourself on the back about another car you own...all to post it on a forum for fake 'internet points'. You are a sad man.
My man Socket:
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Go back to your failing business and taking money out of retirement, which is literally the stupidest thing you could do, you get a loan from a bank dumbass. I guess this explains why your company would be failing if you make business decisions like this. You NEVER touch retirement funds. This was when you begged Joe to let you be a Vendor but you never paid his very small vendor fee and then tried to rip him off or something to the effect:
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You are a bitch. A fraud. A Con Artist. Your mother would be proud.
@fmorelli time to move this to the Octagon so it can die and no one sees how much a fraud @martymil is.
oh dear lord. Words can´t describe how hard i had to laugh reading this