Those rotors can really get stuck on there. You may need to resort to heat and heavy whacks. Be prepared with a new rotor and put them back on with a clean hub and liberal use of copper antiseize on the mating surface.
Those rotors can really get stuck on there. You may need to resort to heat and heavy whacks. Be prepared with a new rotor and put them back on with a clean hub and liberal use of copper antiseize on the mating surface.
Finally got to do a test drive after my conversion over the winter.
The drivelogoc button changes the levels but I don't think anything is changing in how it drives. No mater the level, it wants to go to gear 7 as soon a possible and drive very conservatively.
Manual mode is pretty good but definitely some gear changing issues.
Where is that graphic that was posted a few days ago on getting into launch mode? I can't find it again.
The discussion started:
Discussion about issues encountered whilst converting to M3 Flash and GWS
just want bring this swap to work. finaldrive is no problem, its a racecar The slippage is most likely due to the wrong ratio. There r many reports that the wrong ratio produce slippage. Solutions are to swap diff or full rear end. Easy cheap fix is a MT diff at 3.08
Has videos/graphics/etc.
What is the level of conversion you performed? Changed the diff ratio, performed all coding, etc?
Thanks for the link.
No work on the diff.
I have all the coding completed (I think) and the shifter lights, the dash display with drive logic, the proper large D and gear indicator.
My sport mode does not display in the dash but when I go to sport+ I do get the DSC light which is normal
2.53 (I think). I always have to look it up
I’m running a Quaife 2.81 diff and it seems to be running fine.
What diff I can make work for the Z4 is still an unknown for me. Now that I have a lift I am more inclined to try and figure it out but first priority is to make sure I can drive the car this season.
I got it to go into launch mode (no foot on brake), hold shifter into 1st gear to get the flag, but as soon as I try and step on the gas, it wants to creep forward. No sure if I was rolling down an incline or if the trans was pushing. I'll try again in another location.
It’s fighting you That is seriously in there!itll be that much sweeter when you finish. Agree need a hardened piece in there for sure. I’d also wrap a tie strap around it for safety.
Agree. Was thinking an impact extension but do not have one in tool box. ACE only has non hardened extensions. Might use a socketIt looks like @dyezak is using a extension between it.