Nice! So what is different about your approach when taking the trans flash into consideration?
well the main thing is redoing all torque scaling that i used to have to do in order to keep the transmission happy and not have it request torque reductions and boost limiting and etc. Aside from that i need to make sure that old mapping does not cause overboosting with the faster firmer shifting (less lazy) so less time between shifts can cause spiking if the WGDC is too high. Throttle mapping also. Given that the trans is reprogrammed to shift differently, at different points and different sensitivity i would need to make sure that current mapping doesn't cause any surging or unpredictable behavior at lower rpms for day to day driving. Thats just some of the things that should be taken into account when dealing with meshing transmission tuning and engine tuning together. Always needs to be a balance.
I've done tons of trans tuning on fords and etc. and things can get pretty unruly if they aren't meshed well. xHP @RayBan has done a great job thus far with the mapping and has been stellar and very cohesive with working together on this to help progress and make sure all aspects of xHP and MHD mesh well together