So I've got a bunch of stuff done that most who are interested probably have seen in my build thread for my e82 135i. (I'm still gonna get to the coding part
and I'm currently getting tuned by Wedge).
Can anyone help me out with getting my launch control working? Can anyone give me known working part nubers, particularly for the 135i? I'm wondering if my build date is too early for the SZL to work? (05/2010) So a pre LCI 135i except N55 DCT.
I'm confident that I understand how to engage it, but it just isn't working.
I'm wondering if my DSC could be an issue? I notice now when I do a 1-click to go into DTC it doesn't show anything on my CIC or on the Kombi screen. It lights up the MDM light but that's it. Any ideas, does anyone else'sscreen show their DTC mode? I swear it used to show both on my Kombi and CIC.
Yeah I know the LC is with DSC fully off, im just spit balling here that it may not be cooperating.
Thanks fellas, and if there are any, ladies