You're welcome.
Barry Battle and I were surprised too - imagine a BMW 1M turning blistering track times, repeatedly, using the BL coils. We knew others had problems; we just couldn't figure out why it worked so well for us. We figured it out when misfires showed up at the track, and Neil pressed the coils back down. We surmise that the gap got too big as the coils were working their way up. At one point, with thought the solution
@doublespaces and
@SlowE93 had shown would solve the problem we had found. Turned out, to our surprise as well, there was more to the story. This is why measuring mattered. Solving the problem by caring about the coil head to valve cover distance is side-effect or cosmetics - the issue was what was going on inside the shaft, with the spark plug and coil terminals.
As I mentioned, the "click" also misled us - we thought the click was the coil terminal sheath locking onto the plug. Instead we believe it was the rubber nubs pressing on the valve cover shield that somehow caused the clicking noise.
My Z4 coils will be modified on Friday. After that, our next step is to make a harness with proper connectors, once the PU ones become available.
I'm not sure about the plug tip extender, given the fact that the shaft is not perpendicular to the screw base for the plug - the taller the plug, the more "off-center" it is relative to the shaft. Interesting idea, though. You might try it and report back!