The car im reffering to in this post is a: 2012 BMW 135i E88 Convertable N55
Edit Note: The car is on a completely stock tune.
Recently I replaced a leaking gasket in my oil filter housing. After putting everything back together I ran into a seemingly unrelated issue where the car after coldstart would have some pretty bad misfires along with trouble keeping a steady RPM and sometimes stalling all together. After replacing all MAP sensors and the MAF sensor because that was the codes it was throwing I was still having the same issues. I traced the issue back to a vacuum leak by using a smoke test. I fixed the vacuum leak which solved some of the issues but now I am left with the issue of misfires and constant limpmode after the startup procedure. However, the issue of outright stalling seems to have been resolved. When the car occasionally doesnt go into limp mode (which is very occasionally) I've tried driving it around my neighborhood and theres a lot of studdering under acceleration. In those instances I can usually very gently drive the car without limpmode but if any sort of load is put on the engine it starts misfiring and goes straight back into limpmode and most cylinders are deactivated. With another smoke test, just for good measure, I can't seem to find anymore leaks in the air systems so that seems to be totally fixed leak wise. I'm left confused with how replacing a gasket in the oil filter housing could lead to all of this.
Some extra info that may be useful:
I will attach the latest codes that I have gotten in the attached files of this post along with this link to the datazap of latest log I took:
These codes happened and the log was made during a startup and not while the car was driving. In this instance it ran for a few seconds then went into limp mode.
In the interest of full transparency this is my first time having to dig this deep to figure out an issue and I just want second opinions of what my next move should be before I just start throwing money in a direction or take it to someone when it could have been possibly easily fixed or diagnosed myself. Thank you in advance for any information.
Edit Note: The car is on a completely stock tune.
Recently I replaced a leaking gasket in my oil filter housing. After putting everything back together I ran into a seemingly unrelated issue where the car after coldstart would have some pretty bad misfires along with trouble keeping a steady RPM and sometimes stalling all together. After replacing all MAP sensors and the MAF sensor because that was the codes it was throwing I was still having the same issues. I traced the issue back to a vacuum leak by using a smoke test. I fixed the vacuum leak which solved some of the issues but now I am left with the issue of misfires and constant limpmode after the startup procedure. However, the issue of outright stalling seems to have been resolved. When the car occasionally doesnt go into limp mode (which is very occasionally) I've tried driving it around my neighborhood and theres a lot of studdering under acceleration. In those instances I can usually very gently drive the car without limpmode but if any sort of load is put on the engine it starts misfiring and goes straight back into limpmode and most cylinders are deactivated. With another smoke test, just for good measure, I can't seem to find anymore leaks in the air systems so that seems to be totally fixed leak wise. I'm left confused with how replacing a gasket in the oil filter housing could lead to all of this.
Some extra info that may be useful:
I will attach the latest codes that I have gotten in the attached files of this post along with this link to the datazap of latest log I took:
In the interest of full transparency this is my first time having to dig this deep to figure out an issue and I just want second opinions of what my next move should be before I just start throwing money in a direction or take it to someone when it could have been possibly easily fixed or diagnosed myself. Thank you in advance for any information.
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