Nah, not really. Either follow the method @fmorelli and team came up with or buy the coils I posted about like me, @Rob09msport and several others are now running. Personally I'd say go the latter route because you'll save some cash and get a newer revision of the coils, but the first method is pretty easy still.Any updates to speak about, new issues or solutions to know about BL coils and the like?
I sent him all of the info from my research too on using the newer revision coils which require much less modification and seat perfectly and was told thank you and they'd look into switching to the newer revision - its definitely disappointing that they never did and continue to say the shielded coils fit perfectly. I really like my coil setup and have had no issues whatsoever, but I also only bought their harness because I knew the issues with the coils they provided. It's a shame that's the only option we have for smart coils at the moment.I continue to have people contact me with issues with the bimmerlife ignition systems having misfires. The latest conversation - the owner was told by bimmerlife Tuning's owner that modifying the stock R8 coils is unnecessary. It is amazing to me, given what has been measured and clearly demonstrated, that the vendor would either ignore the information or worse, mislead people in the name of sales. I'm happy to help other people in the community - but being bimmerlife tunings technical support department is not what I had in mind.
My advice, after countless emails and PMs over the past year - don't buy products from a vendor that either doesn't understand what they are selling, or willfully misleads.
273 vs 280 mj and that's at 2.5 dwell on r8 when 2.8 is ideal for best output idk what the mhd checkbox sets it to @jayoma @wedge @V8bait I am sure one of them know the dwell set by pr and r8 checkboxes respectively.
So pr are much more powerful? I thought the r8 had higher voltage but pr more output. Also do you know what the stock coils output?That calculates power on the primary coil, it's not a measured output. Actual power from the secondary coil will be much less and can range from 20 to 40% of that value. R8 coils generally test out at 60 to 70mJ similar to LS, GTR at 80 to 90, AEM smart coil 100-110mJ, PR dumb 120 to 130mJ.
Longer dwells can help with higher efficiency (but limit duty cycle), magnet selection for the core, and other things. More wraps on the secondary increase peak voltage and decrease energy transfer as well. All you can really measure from the primary is dwell and current loading. The rest is estimated but it's a good write up.
Isn't that the point ? Bl bypasses the use of igtb in dme and these eliminate the external ignitor. That's why these can work without software changes since they can grab signal. Bl has to convert the signal but also somehow shut off the high output from dme. Not sure how it works but idk. I don't have first hand knowledge but seems pretty obvious to me even by your statement I almost don't know if your trolling me.@Rob09msport those kits you linked are for cars with an external ignitor setup like you see on alot Japanese cars. Doesn't the msd80/81 have 6 on board bip373 like the ms4.x DMEs?