@Rob@RBTurbo your expertise in the N54 platform in and outs are something I respect and appreciate. And I am a repeat customer because of that, and expect to continue in that regard. On the other hand, I professionally ran forums for a very long time, it is my expertise and I'm rather certain that you are unable to appreciate that. I will explain once, that your perspective is incorrect. Our forums suffer because people show up and throw up, shooting down people and products without communicating any due diligence. That behavior should be blunted. Have a problem, say it. Need help, say it. Did your due diligence, say it. Showing up and throwing up is not something I encourage people to do. You're clearly incapable of understanding the distinction - that's ok, it's why other people are around with skills and knowledge you don't possess.
To your commentary on the product, while the knowledge you share is valuable, your inability to understand your one-sided mannerism toward other vendors is unique to you. Everyone else sees it. You have no issue with someone trashing ANY other vendor that competes with you (and who knows, maybe even the ones that don't). So honestly while I read your technical commentary with great interest, you are quite incompetent in the other dimensions of interaction, so given my expertise I put almost zero credence to the places you are experientially tone deaf. You won't like this post, but I suspect your ego makes you incapable of understanding what you've been told, much less digesting it.
This kind of reminds us of the retort you had about the MMP outlets. "Nah, prove it, couldn't be, must be an install issue as that is what the Vendor has stated"- after we jumped on that thread. Wouldn't you know a month or so later you suffered the same fate.
Sometimes as a vendor you get an inside scoop on things, we get A LOT of calls and emails all of the time and often know things a year or more prior to you or most anyone else. We often do not care until it becomes an annoyance and then we wonder why the hell no one else seems to know about it and why are we still hearing about it? (Note the post we made over 2 months ago, was well burnt out at the point). Well the reason is because no one talks about it, they usually want to sell off the products and then move on rather than being stuck with a product that has zero value due to their own forthcomingness. Sure we get calls and issues of our own as well, and we address them asap. If we feel a product is bogus, we'd pull it as quick as possible. However, not all vendors give you as the consumer that respect... until something like this happens and then all of the sudden more work and/or thought will be put into the product and it becomes "Breather Kit 2.0".
Think as you will but there tons of things you do not know about the interworkings of this platform. Which products you may feel is respected, many of times, really shouldn't be as much as you'd like to think. Likewise not all products are today what they were yesterday either, it is ok to improve and this could be an opportunity.
Your expectation of every customer to spend 3 months studying why their products are bum, so that can appeal to the Filippo's of the world- is quite the demand IMO. This customer (like many others) put on a product, had issues, reversed the product install- issues went away. It is reasonable to allow this to be known, IMO.
In conclusion you can call us one sided, call us ego riddled, call us tone deaf, call us unprofessional; but as usual you and many others can thank us later down the road for being all of the above.
Have a good day.
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