Where were you when we had some issues several years back?

In all seriousness it is posts like this that cause many to not share their experiences... which is a bummer.
To add we know he is not alone, as much like the MMP outlet debacle we have been hearing the same things for months and months on end. Quite frankly it is surprising it has taken this long to see something like this pop up.
@Rob@RBTurbo your expertise in the N54 platform in and outs are something I respect and appreciate. And I am a repeat customer because of that, and expect to continue in that regard. On the other hand, I professionally ran forums for a very long time, it is my expertise and I'm rather certain that you are unable to appreciate that. I will explain once, that your perspective is incorrect. Our forums suffer because people show up and throw up, shooting down people and products without communicating any due diligence. That behavior should be blunted. Have a problem, say it. Need help, say it. Did your due diligence, say it. Showing up and throwing up is not something I encourage people to do. You're clearly incapable of understanding the distinction - that's ok, it's why other people are around with skills and knowledge you don't possess.
To your commentary on the product, while the knowledge you share is valuable, your inability to understand your one-sided mannerism toward other vendors is unique to you. Everyone else sees it. You have no issue with someone trashing ANY other vendor that competes with you (and who knows, maybe even the ones that don't). So honestly while I read your technical commentary with great interest, you are quite incompetent in the other dimensions of interaction, so given my expertise I put almost zero credence to the places you are experientially tone deaf. You won't like this post, but I suspect your ego makes you incapable of understanding what you've been told, much less digesting it.