Ad: Spool Helix HPFP overdrive Kit


Dec 1, 2016
New York
Seems like the VTT single barrel shotgun is still the best move if you want to stay DI only.

VTT shotgun has been revised multiple times and didn't officially launch on their website until like last year. I give credit to them for the shotguns development and sticking with it, but, it was not without it's fair share of crowdfunding and trial and error.


Jun 3, 2019
Seems like the VTT single barrel shotgun is still the best move if you want to stay DI only.

If you have active steering, then the single barrel shotgun won't work. I still want to stay direct injection only so for the time being, the spool overdrive is the only solution for now. I have a bracket in hand waiting to be installed that will hopefully solve the vibration issue. If that doesn't work out for me, I will report back here.


Nov 2, 2017
135i N55 DCT; PS2
Something that I am concerned about but it hasn't been raised as an issue as yet and hopefully, isn't an issue, is the extra load that the Helix unit puts on the drive chain and components especially the wear strips. I would imagine if there was an issue in this area, it would take sometime for it to raise its head.

bumping this comment. Anyone have any input?


May 25, 2019
08 135i
Definitely a shaky start,(heh :sweatsmile:)

I likely won't run my unit until we see a solution that works over time. My concern may not be supported by science, or physics so please take it with a block of salt; but with the new bracket aren't we simply moving/redistributing the pump NVH to the boss located on the block? I'm not one of those over-concerned users, but I DO wonder if one screw in that boss, in combination with the block casting will yield a good result.

My overall thought is, most of us purchasing this unit are shooting for power north of 600hp. Modern cars with vacuum pump failures are harder to stop than most think.. it feels like you're nearly breaking the seat back if you're under heavy braking. I'm not very keen on doing a fat pull and then trying to brake at the other end while potentially spewing oil on the driver side tires. That's a bit extreme.. but it could happen.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
VTT shotgun has been revised multiple times and didn't officially launch on their website until like last year. I give credit to them for the shotguns development and sticking with it, but, it was not without it's fair share of crowdfunding and trial and error.

The only issue with the shotgun was the drive kit that failed if not aligned properly due to install error and Tony and the boys fixed that and made a single piece drive kit to make it stronger but will still eventually fail if not installed properly, I still have the welded version on another car that hasnt failed and still going strong after 50k km or 30k miles.

I hope the spool boys fix these issues quickly as I need one of their kits for one of my projects my customer is hounding me about.


Dec 20, 2019
09 335i
As someone who's installed the helix, from what I gathered it was already tested and ready for release. No nvh was ever mentioned. How could they release this without the bracket? The nvh is the Dickens. I want my bracket sent asap. Kudos to those making their own brackets. Hope you're listening spool.


Dec 1, 2016
New York
As someone who's installed the helix, from what I gathered it was already tested and ready for release. No nvh was ever mentioned. How could they release this without the bracket? The nvh is the Dickens. I want my bracket sent asap. Kudos to those making their own brackets. Hope you're listening spool.

That's what happens when you send out units for testing to people with the biggest Instagram accounts? Just begin a dick lol don't quote me as if that is actually what they did to "test."

It surprised me that so many people had issues with a crazy noise on startup with Helix upon release. How did the testers also not notice a noise like their engine was about to blow up lol?
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Aug 29, 2018
Houston, TX
BMW z4 e89
Does anybody know how many of these failures have been reported?

If anyone is keeping tally, add me to the list. It happened to me with the 3x. Broke the vacuum pump cover the first time and then installed the billet cover.

Now I'm leaking oil again and in the shop to determine the failure - it's either the cover or actual vacuum pump. I'll report back once I find out (in the new year).

I also purchased the bracket from GDO Automotive and will install once the current issue is fixed.
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Aug 7, 2019
N54 335i
Ok guys spool emailed instantly and told me the brackets will be here in 2 to 3 weeks. GDO automotive has a very good stainless steel bracket that also works. I think I'll wait for the spool and see what happens. I think the gdautomotive is a good choice and I know for sure that it will work because it does the job on their 335 for 2 months already without any vibration. I am torn apart kf I should buy the bracket or wait for spool. But 2 weeks seems not too long so might wait and see. If I had to wait a month then I wouldn't want to wait that long.
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May 25, 2019
08 135i
It's such an easy tab to fab up I was gonna whip out to the garage and mock one out of cardboard + angle finder.. aka: eyeballs.

I too just received a prompt reply from spool saying roughly 2 weeks for their bracket. Still skeptical on where the NVH is going.


Jan 6, 2019
335i E92 DCT
Still skeptical on where the NVH is going.

That is my biggest concern. Sorry i am german and don´t know the english technical terms.

The vibration source will remain which means that with the bracket the stimulation will be shifted from the helix assembly itself and the directly connected/affected parts without the brackets now to the engine block via the bracket. Now the pump will not only transfer vibration in the area it did before the bracket but now the NVH will be transferred via the bracket to the block or wherever the bolts attach.

IMHO Spool should invest into CAE work and simulate their assembly in the environment designated. Yeah this is money they probably do not want to spend and seem to workaround the problem instead of investigating a solution to their NVH issues.

Spool does not know the Eigenfrequency of any of the parts affected. So if the pump will stimulate a harmonic of any part it may fail. Just like the Vac Pump Cover. This is the perfect example of how vibration (a specific frequency) stimulates another part in its eigenfrequency to fail.

Remember! The Bracket is a workaround or issue shifter. It cannot be the solution if the issue is in the planetary gears. It can only cascade and dampen the effects. Spool has to balance their system! This is the only solution!
Oct 24, 2016
Scottsdale, AZ
VTT shotgun has been revised multiple times and didn't officially launch on their website until like last year. I give credit to them for the shotguns development and sticking with it, but, it was not without it's fair share of crowdfunding and trial and error.
LOL what? Did not officially launch on our site until last year? This is classic N54 short term memory loss. The Shotgun has been available on our site for going on 6 years (announced May 2014). The ONLY part changed in 6 years is going from two-piece welded housing to a single piece CNC housing. That is it. Tony tested the original shotgun in his own car for at least a year before he announced it. If I remember right, he blew up at least 6 HPFP trying to get the double barrel to work right. The single was much easier. Please do not bunch us in with this. The shotgun may be a little harder to install, but there is no added vibration, and no gear noise as it simply relies on two sealed bearings, and a shaft. We still sell a lot of them, and the people that run them love them. Now that we can send the new tables with them. They work even better. 🤷‍♂️
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Jun 17, 2018
LOL what? Did not officially launch on our site until last year? This is classic N54 short term memory loss. The Shotgun has been available on our site for going on 6 years (announced May 2014). The ONLY part changed in 6 years is going from two-piece welded housing to a single piece CNC housing. That is it. Tony tested the original shotgun in his own car for at least a year before he announced it. If I remember right, he blew up at least 6 HPFP trying to get the double barrel to work right. The single was much easier. Please do not bunch us in with this. The shotgun may be a little harder to install, but there is no added vibration, and no gear noise as it simply relies on two sealed bearings, and a shaft. We still sell a lot of them, and the people that run them love them. Now that we can send the new tables with them. They work even better. 🤷‍♂️

Send them new tables my way.
Unless it's the ones I found on your download page for the single barrel.