The AIC6 itself has only access to boost and engine speed so it's very limited in what it can do. You might think you are in full control but with such a limited data set you're really just fooling yourself. Read up on what the JB4 PI control can do which
includes cutting fueling during a misfire, during sudden transitions, flexing port injected fuel up during tip in and transitions, and so much more that is currently under development. Without a JB4 running PI you can't even detect a bank to bank trim variance automatically and cut PI flow and boost before its too late...
So I guess every standalone on the market isn't offering full control lol. Map and RPM is perfectly fine in this case. If the rest of the flash is properly mapped you don't need to worry about tip in and partial throttle.
My main issue was one pull there was way too much fuel, then the next not enough. All with the same settings. I'm interested to see what you guys come up with because I prefer an integrated solution rather than a bunch of separate systems.