We used to have a "reset to defaults" option. Was a total disaster. People run interface versions that are out of date and reload the wrong options, they add parts that suddenly default don't apply to and wonder why its not working, etc. It was worse than what we did now which was why we removed those and simply post the settings in the specific thread. Which largely works very well. I'd love to come up with some sort of an interface wizard that makes setup easier but it's already pretty easy. One of the strengths of the JB4 implemnentation is how flexible it is and with that will come some confusion
This AFR rich thing isn't an issue of default settings being wrong. He has a custom tuner working with him. The tuning does whatever the tuner tells it to do. The settings look reasonable other than when on PI and a BEF you set open loop to 0 which may have prevented AFR from going so rich. That said I don't think his tuner expected a 10:1 AFR short run to blow a motor.
The concern I have is if we know 10:1 AFR is likely to damage a motor then let's just failsafe on a 10:1 AFR. The real key to the JB4's success is the passive safety systems that go above and beyond what can be easily done flash only. It took me less time to add the 10:1 AFR safety logic than it did to write this reply. My general question to those of you who are tuners or do tuning, do you ever run or plan to run really rich tuning? If so we'll need a "disable" option for the safety.
This AFR rich thing isn't an issue of default settings being wrong. He has a custom tuner working with him. The tuning does whatever the tuner tells it to do. The settings look reasonable other than when on PI and a BEF you set open loop to 0 which may have prevented AFR from going so rich. That said I don't think his tuner expected a 10:1 AFR short run to blow a motor.
The concern I have is if we know 10:1 AFR is likely to damage a motor then let's just failsafe on a 10:1 AFR. The real key to the JB4's success is the passive safety systems that go above and beyond what can be easily done flash only. It took me less time to add the 10:1 AFR safety logic than it did to write this reply. My general question to those of you who are tuners or do tuning, do you ever run or plan to run really rich tuning? If so we'll need a "disable" option for the safety.
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