I would think that it would be an easy two setup process, unless they're doing any machining on the back or front of the VC. If you mill the entire top side first, then flip and soft jaw on the cam covers' flat faces you could get everything on the underside in the second op.I'm impressed you got this made in two or three setups! I had looked into this before and wanted an additional operation to aid in clamping, but it looks like you managed a lot of material removal without needing the additional clamping.
I would think that it would be an easy two setup process, unless they're doing any machining on the back or front of the VC. If you mill the entire top side first, then flip and soft jaw on the cam covers' flat faces you could get everything on the underside in the second op.
In theory yes it is like that, but often longer "hollow" parts are poorly supported in the middle which leads to very poor material removal rates and chattering finishes. If there were more webs going across the middle I'd definitely think top bottom would be all the thats needed, but I'm just surprised that it didn't need it.
What do you do for work? Sounds like you know the verbiage as well haha.
I would say they'll just sit higher above the VC now that all of the pcv junk is gone. That's basically the only external difference between this VC and stock.Will the injector hard lines fit without any modifications?
yes, the factory coils, injectors and harness will fit.Will the injector hard lines fit without any modifications?
Well if you could show one spot where I said it sucks, that would lead you to believe I would think it sucks. My first post was about the stupid cover they had in the drawing that wouldn't allow you to run uneeded things like injectors, and coils. Who needs those? The next was, it took 6 months to go from a completed drawing to one process on the machine. So yes the time line sucks, as for the product its a valve cover, looks fine.waiting for Tonys response on why this product sucks...
More teaser pictures... The oil cap is Billet as well. We will also add large -AN fittings to accommodate PCV/Breather lines.
Should have it within the next day, probably wants to make sure it all fits and nothing else needs done first.Still no word on price..?