Well guys, the day is finally here. The MHD FlexFuel module is ready! For a short period of time, we are going to run it as a "closed" beta
that will be open to all verified purchasers of the official MHD / Motiv ECA (
available here.) As this is such an extensive feature, this allows us to have a more controlled test group as well as an easier way to receive and collate feedback. Additionally, this forum will continue to serve as the main area for discussion.
Getting Involved:
In order to be added to the beta group, first be sure to register as a tester for MHD
here. Then contact either Jake H, Chris, or myself and provide the Google account that you use for MHD. Once you are verified as having purchased the ECA, I will add you to the beta group and you will see the MHD update available.
OTS Users:
The main feedback we are looking for is logs of the MHD OTS FF maps running various ethanol blends. If you wish to use the OTS FlexFuel maps, you must have the following:
- Stage 1 or stage 2 pump gas map pack
- E85 mix map pack
- Flex Fuel module
- Motiv ECA
- Flasher
- Logger
If you meet the above conditions, all you need to do is flash a stage 1 or stage 2
V8 pump map after your MHD app is updated. MHD will automatically add the ethanol tables, setup interpolation, etc.
NOTE 1: OTS Flex Fuel is only applicable when flashing a V8 map
NOTE 2: Boost targets, HP, and TQ will taper off steeply back to the pump gas levels above E50 while fueling will remain maxed for safety. So while you technically can fill up with greater than E50, there is zero benefit and actually a detriment to power.
Pro-Tune Users:
You guys should be good to go, just wait for an updated map from your tuner and purchase the FlexFuel module in MHD.
Self Tuners and Pro-Tuners:
GitHub has now been updated with everything needed. Please be sure to continue to download the full zip file. You will see a new folder inside, FlexFuel, which has three sub folders:
- Calibration Format Tool - you must drag and drop your bin on this exe in order to correctly format it for use with the FlexFuel XDFs. It will spit out a suitable file with an "_FF" suffix. If you do not do this step, the bin will not look correct in TunerPro with the Flex Fuel XDF, and MHD will not apply the FF logic
- ECA Firmware Updater - this is not needed for now as all ECA have shipped with the latest firmware. This is more for future proofing.
- New XDFs - in addition to the main flex fuel tables, warm-up enrichment (pump and flex) is also included so your cold start E85 issues can be completely fixed

There will be 5 new parameters available to log in MHD: ECA Voltage, Ethanol Content, Fuel Interpolation %, Timing Interpolation %, and Load Interpolation %.
I'm very happy to finally get this out to you guys, I know it's been a long road. Enjoy!