Hi guys !
I purchased a complete kit from Motiv ( flexfuel ECA + sensor + engine bay kit ) in addition to MHD super licence with FF included.
My car is 2009 335xi N54. Continental sensor installation went well, no leaks in the fuel line. Electrical installation went well too since instructions are clear.
After install i reflashed my current v9.0 RON98 stage1+ map with flexfuel option checked.
Unfortunately, the MHD app read always 100% ethanol. So i looked interpolation which is also 100% and ECA voltage which reads 4.32V.
At this time, i didn't install the upgraded LPFP + secondary LPFP + harness for hobb switch (i read somewhere that some relays can make the ECA reads wrong when WOT, that's why i mention it). Only parts i have installed are : Wagner Evo 3 competition FMIC, and forge charge pipe + BOV.
I also read that typical ECA voltage range is 0.5-3.0V, and voltage over that numbers are "error codes".
I've triple checked all connections, i even measured voltages with a multimeter but everything seems normal.
Next thing i will try is to check/relocate ground (this wire is really short, so maybe need to extend it)
I also contacted Motiv, i hope they can help me to solve this, but maybe someone has a clue of what's happening ?
Thanks a lot !