JFYI, I had purchased the Vader BOV adapter last year and never got around to installing it. Then I read about the BMS BOV adapter earlier this year and purchased it thinking it would be better. Then I read Matreyia’s comments comparing the two and decided to install the Vader adapter anyway...Changed back to Vader Solutions BOV Adapter setup and problems went away. Tested again with BMS BOV adapter and car went apeshit. Would misfire and show o2 sensor temperature faults. Starts out ok, after 5 mins driving, spitfire, explosions in tail pipe and misfire. Test back and forth four times between BMS vs. Vader Manifold BOV kit. I don't think my car likes the BOV hose right at the throttle body at all...the ECU appears to be compensating fuel mixture for some reason and running ultra rich when BMS kit is used.
Anybody want to buy one unused BMS BOV?