Yes you can order many things from China and No that does not mean you don't care about quality control. Many item's are exactly what they are advertised as which is often the same product that came from the official assembly line.
All your messages so far seem to be based on assumptions and little personal experience. There is lack of support in your messages anyway. Now go ahead and actually get yourself informed and ask me or anyone else (this Chinese turbo topic perhaps?) about Chinese parts before you continue your anti-Chinese ranting.
Your and my experience are vastly different. I have a shit ton of experience, which makes me "well informed" as you say. I've also had parts manufactured in China for one of my businesses - only a few, but as a consumer that probably makes me more informed than the average guy.
I agree that one can get parts from China that are equal to what one gets in the USA - after all, lots of stuff in the USA comes from China ... so ... Q.E.D. right? BUT ... quality varies in one-off purchases. One may do well, one may not do so well. I have probably bought on the order of 500 products directly from China, aside from having stuff made there. That sample set is large enough to have a "well informed" opinion, would you not agree?
The problem is ... one has to be an informed buyer ... and I won't go into what that means (I'm already well off this thread's purpose), but being "informed" is a multi-sided issue. Anyone who has extensively purchased would be "well informed" and understand this, assuming they have intelligently learned from the process. So ... this is why one may choose to purchase from a retailer that has done the legwork, or the company that stands behind the product it is selling. One pays for that. How much it is worth is a personal choice, for sure.
This isn't China bashing (let's throw out more personal commentary instead of discussing the issue, eh). I buy quite a bit from China today. I have had great vendor experiences, and the Chinese people I've interacted with in sales are friendly and tend to want to make things right. But now that I've defended that ridiculous comment, I'll say the above stands. China is not yet Japan ... or Taiwan. It is climbing that QC hill (just like Japan and Taiwan did).
Signed, "well informed"