So still haven't had a resolution. just took it out of the dome box entirely and am waiting for a free day to tinker. Already tried different power wire, different ground, checked all pins. Everything was exactly the way it should be with again, no resolve. weird that reading through this thread, it seems like this problem got worse over time as it seems more and more people have the same problem, but with only a few actually finding a solution that for most of us still comes to the same result. Weird to think that it got worse over time rather than better or even completely fixed like most products in any industry do. Just want this thing to do what its supposed to like every other thing I've bought for my car. I was thinking if maybe the 3.5 map sensor with the conversion harness might make a problem since its tapping into map sensor wires in the dome if im not mistaken. Any Info on the complete wiring and what its tapping into would help as well. Also I've even tried a friends old delphi coils and newer elder coils, variation was still present in ECA voltage. also got rid of PR coils and went with B58 conversion as well.