Just curious - what would that tell him? He's already did a log with the vacuum signal direct to the wastegates. That takes any and all boost control out of the picture.
I'm just trying to make sure everything stays on track for his troubleshooting. He's been told to do the same thing in a different way numerous times.
To recap:
Everything connected normally, spool is slow and requires much more WGDC than normal up to about 4500 rpms and then comes inline.
Physically and visually tested vacuum on wastegates - closing properly at 5.5inhg
Replaced boost solenoids?
Confirmed all vacuum lines are good/replaced burnt one
bypassed solenoids and ran vacuum direct to wastegates - max of 8psi on a WOT log
Confirmed all outlet connections secure
To be done:
Pressure test system
@morffius, you've confirmed you don't have any other issues like poor sealing BOV or chargepipe correct? If your chargepipe has stock DV ports, they are plugged correct? O-ring in BOV? O-ring in TB to chargepipe?
All clamps from Chargepipe to intercooler are tight?
It still makes no sense how you made 17+ psi on 39% WGDC, yet only 8psi with direct vacuum, unless your vacuum pump is wacked out or something, or you have a major vacuum leak.