right on... gonna get this going and see what we can make of it!
You gonna need this if you dont have it already for DIY https://www.newtis.info/tisv2/a/en/e90-335i-lim/repair-manuals/11-engine/11-66-vacuum-pump/4Qp0wYq
I would personally wait for @jyamona to finish his testing to shut off the ignition coil on a cylinder when the fuel injector is shut off. That way there's no risk on a lean-out from a misfire causing the DI injector to get disabled while PI is still spraying. PI has some advantages as well; valve cleaning, easy to upgrade injectors and reasonably affordable.
Now we just need a DME integrated sequential controller.
@V8bait was able to fully test my code changes this morning and the results are in.
The ignition coil is now disabled when ANY event causes it's corresponding injector to be shut off. This should alleviate the last remaining PI concerns
Since I know it will be asked...no ETA. Code is only written for I8A0S currently, so three rom versions to go, then MHD integration, etc.
Quick clarification, so this development will shut off the ignition coil now, but it’s possible that PI will still be pushing fuel into the cylinder?
Correct. But that doesn't really matter much tbh. You'll get a fireball out of your exhaust, and anyone making enough power to need PI should not be running cats anymore either. It's the same as PI only cars with an ignition cut rev limiter, or ignition cut anti-lag, etc.
Thanks Jake, just wanted to get some clarification. Quick follow-up, would there be any threat of hydro lock due to unburnt fuel entering the cylinders?
I foresee more 2 step videos after this mhd update lol....
Once I heard about p.i issues I was gonna go double shotgun. Now that I know there will be a better safety net with p.i. Guess I got plenty of time to decide which to run before I switch to ST.
Double barrel is still the better choice, all fuel metering is controlled by the dme with full safety.
The problem is all that fuel getting dumped into the exhaust, can cause massive backfires, damaging o2 sensors and if your running cats it will melt them as stated earlier.
MHD is taking a step in the right direction but I got to say Tony has the right idea, double barrel and a hint of pi to supplement the top end and that is the safest way currently so if the cylinder shuts down the amount of fuel entering the cylinder will be insignificant to cause any issues.
spraying fuel when you're merely holding a gear and feathering in and out of boost.
Needs to have per bank fuel trims taken into account or something even better than that.
Not sure why this would be an issue. You want it to spray X amount of fuel at Ypsi regardless of what you are doing with the throttle, otherwise WOT would be fine and part throttle would be lean.
Single bank![]()