So, to be fair, the only tune I've discussed with a customer since new years was found by the customer to be "significantly different" than the BMS and SPX tunes. I did not see it first hand but I helped him install tunerpro and self analyze the file. He seemed to have a grasp on what he was viewing. I can't say if there were mostly random useless bits changed or if it was meaningful, but at least 2 tables which are important flash only were not jb4 anymore. Customer had already decided to go elsewhere (and no, not with me), he just wanted help to see for himself and was expecting to see a canned file. Again, this was just told to me but I have no reason to distrust the findings despite not seeing it myself. AJ says he recently completed some EFI courses and certifications the last few weeks. I feel these should have come before he started charging people but I digress, he allegedly has them now which is good. While he does minimize (seemingly due to ignorance when he first started), he also takes responsibility and doesn't deny what he did so I don't want to minimize how important I find that.
This doesn't help people effected previously but at least it's a start. I feel like most people had no idea what was going on as none of this was really known before. There's always propensity to blame the victim and I can't deny this platform has gotten cheap, but part of the intention of the thread was to call out band wagoners too, people with no tuning knowledge bashing anybody who cried foul. It's hard to do real research when there's an army of people blindly supporting something and zero hard logs to judge for yourself. Hell, before I saw the files and logs, I had no idea what was happening and I do this stuff all the time. That's not AJ's fault that's just the nature of supporters, good intentions albeit misguided at times. He has very good marketing, he just needs to back it up with a product worth buying. Maybe we'll see that in 2018, as 2017 seemed to be the n54 again proving it's a not a great learning platform as it lets you get away with a lot of bad practices if you've not done the groundwork yet.
This doesn't help people effected previously but at least it's a start. I feel like most people had no idea what was going on as none of this was really known before. There's always propensity to blame the victim and I can't deny this platform has gotten cheap, but part of the intention of the thread was to call out band wagoners too, people with no tuning knowledge bashing anybody who cried foul. It's hard to do real research when there's an army of people blindly supporting something and zero hard logs to judge for yourself. Hell, before I saw the files and logs, I had no idea what was happening and I do this stuff all the time. That's not AJ's fault that's just the nature of supporters, good intentions albeit misguided at times. He has very good marketing, he just needs to back it up with a product worth buying. Maybe we'll see that in 2018, as 2017 seemed to be the n54 again proving it's a not a great learning platform as it lets you get away with a lot of bad practices if you've not done the groundwork yet.