Dynamic Auto Werx Turbo Upgrade N54


Brigadier General
Nov 6, 2016
ACF 6466 E92 + METH
Assembled in the USA? Out of curiosity have they posted one photo of a turbo being assembled or proper balancing equipment etc? Has anyone been to the shop to see their set being assembled? Many people such as FT claimed US assembled turbos, they were simply having Chinese parts assembled by a local turbo company, and slapping their name on them. Not saying these are not built in the USA, just wondering if they have any proof to back up what they are saying. Their eBay listings all say made in the USA, but all of their photos are clearly the same non-USA made housings everyone is using. Some clarity for people would be nice. We have offered many times for people to come see their set of turbos being assembled and balanced at our facility, quite a few have taken us up on it, including some larger dealers. We are going to do a shop walk around, and turbo assembly video soon as we get some time.


While I agree with you and if anyone does not see massive red flags all over the place, see 3 year warranty and UK warranty text, no pics of in house equipment, no track record, etc. They get what they deserve and more so.

That being said, from you it sounds just like the Helix HPFP thread with VTT spreading FUD in any thread that could take a sale away from you. As a vendor being professional means staying out of competitor's threads. Let your product speak for itself and if you want to make comparisons, do it in your own thread.

Next time have @martymil post for you, like about the fuel rails heating up the fuel as a reason a VC other than VTT is a bad design ;) lawls.

What are infractions and what do they mean @doublespaces? This user has incurred an infraction for this post.
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Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
While I agree with you and if anyone does not see massive red flags all over the place, see 3 year warranty and UK warranty text, no pics of in house equipment, no track record, etc. They get what they deserve and more so.

That being said, from you it sounds just like the Helix HPFP thread with VTT spreading FUD in any thread that could take a sale away from you. As a vendor being professional means staying out of competitor's threads. Let your product speak for itself and if you want to make comparisons, do it in your own thread.

Next time have @martymil post for you, like about the fuel rails heating up the fuel as a reason a VC other than VTT is a bad design ;) lawls.

What are infractions and what do they mean @doublespaces? This user has incurred an infraction for this post.

VTT has a bad design, you have that backwards dude, I've been in this industry for 30+ years and only endorse and use quality products on any of my builds.

Cheap ill designed products will never ever make it on one of my builds or the customer can f off and take their car home as I don't need their money.

I never had one single warranty or defect claim against me to date guess I must be doing something right and why I offer lifetime warranty on parts I make.

When your dealing with average temperatures in between 110 to 118f during summer here in oz and the fuel temps are sitting around 100f plus in the fuel tank alone before even reaching the lpfp, by the time it reaches the fuel rail its well above 120f having extra airflow around the fuel lines will help.

Any design that restricts airflow is not optimal, it might not effect you but it will definitely effect us here in oz.

Billet is by far a superior material over crap cast alloy.


Jan 9, 2018
Just North of Detroit
BMW 335is
Assembled in the USA? Out of curiosity have they posted one photo of a turbo being assembled or proper balancing equipment etc? Has anyone been to the shop to see their set being assembled? Many people such as FT claimed US assembled turbos, they were simply having Chinese parts assembled by a local turbo company, and slapping their name on them. Not saying these are not built in the USA, just wondering if they have any proof to back up what they are saying. Their eBay listings all say made in the USA, but all of their photos are clearly the same non-USA made housings everyone is using. Some clarity for people would be nice. We have offered many times for people to come see their set of turbos being assembled and balanced at our facility, quite a few have taken us up on it, including some larger dealers. We are going to do a shop walk around, and turbo assembly video soon as we get some time.

Shawn from DAW contacted me a few days ago to come see the shop and operations this coming Tuesday. Will post back after.
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Oct 24, 2016
Scottsdale, AZ
VTT has a bad design, you have that backwards dude, I've been in this industry for 30+ years and only endorse and use quality products on any of my builds.

Cheap ill designed products will never ever make it on one of my builds or the customer can f off and take their car home as I don't need their money.

I never had one single warranty or defect claim against me to date guess I must be doing something right and why I offer lifetime warranty on parts I make.

When your dealing with average temperatures in between 110 to 118f during summer here in oz and the fuel temps are sitting around 100f plus in the fuel tank alone before even reaching the lpfp, by the time it reaches the fuel rail its well above 120f having extra airflow around the fuel lines will help.

Any design that restricts airflow is not optimal, it might not effect you but it will definitely effect us here in oz.

Billet is by far a superior material over crap cast alloy.
Marty appreciated sir, but save your breath. We could cure cancer that person would say it was a bad design. Also, keep in mind this is a person that got 100% behind MMP, and told anyone who would listen to buy his products in hopes of spiting us. If you are willing to endorse a terrible product and company to try to spite another, you are wearing your integrity level (or lack thereof) on your sleeve.


Brigadier General
Nov 6, 2016
ACF 6466 E92 + METH
VTT has a bad design, you have that backwards dude.

When your dealing with average temperatures in between 110 to 118f during summer here in oz and the fuel temps are sitting around 100f plus in the fuel tank alone before even reaching the lpfp, by the time it reaches the fuel rail its well above 120f having extra airflow around the fuel lines will help.

Any design that restricts airflow is not optimal, it might not effect you but it will definitely effect us here in oz.

Dude air flow around the fuel lines means jack. The fuel rail is connected to the block in like 3 locations. Metal to metal. Add on to the fact the fuel lines connect to the fuel injector all metal on metal transfering heat. The speed at which fuel moves through the fuel rail lines it will not have a chance to heat up more than what the fuel heated up in the fuel rail attached to the block or through the pumps. If you were truly worried or this was a thing you would put a finned heat exchanger on the fuel rail with some phelonic spacers to get the rail off the block etc. Something to cool the fuel closer to ambient if this really was a thing.

Chris turns out they are just as high quality as your turbos and both the owners both have the same moral turpitude. Congrats!
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Jan 29, 2018


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
Is that your opinion or is that what you actually tested like we did, we actually test, drive and spank the hell out of our cars in 115f+ temps.

When I build a car it can be safely driven and spanked in the most extreme conditions here in oz, can any other builder say that.

We helped build the first single turbo RHD bottom mount in the world and the owner can and does spank his car when ever he wants without any heat issues whilst making 700hp plus on a stock motor and trans for the last 2 years, there's a lot we don't disclose and won't because others have tried to rip of our designs.

Owning and driving a car in these conditions brings a whole new set of challenges.

Its the small things that aren't seen what sets most apart.

Living in a colder climate might not need that much attention to detail but our cars do and these cars see 140f+ oil temps in no time of putting your foot down.

We ran 128mph on 93 the other day safely in 100+ ambient temps back to back runs, most people can't even get that on e85 so we must be doing something right.

Oct 24, 2016
Scottsdale, AZ
I thought this thread was about some suspect turbos?
It was, and a legitimate question was posed, but then you got very salty, very ignorant people with no actual experience with anything doing what they do best. Expect it to go downhill from there. Someone can tag us when they can get some proof the turbos are even assembled in the USA, let alone "Made in the USA" as every eBay posting says...
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Brigadier General
Nov 6, 2016
ACF 6466 E92 + METH
Is that your opinion or is that what you actually tested like we did, we actually test, drive and spank the hell out of our cars in 115f+ temps.

When I build a car it can be safely driven and spanked in the most extreme conditions here in oz, can any other builder say that.

We helped build the first single turbo RHD bottom mount in the world and the owner can and does spank his car when ever he wants without any heat issues whilst making 700hp plus on a stock motor and trans for the last 2 years, there's a lot we don't disclose and won't because others have tried to rip of our designs.

Owning and driving a car in these conditions brings a whole new set of challenges.

Its the small things that aren't seen what sets most apart.

Living in a colder climate might not need that much attention to detail but our cars do and these cars see 140f+ oil temps in no time of putting your foot down.

We ran 128mph on 93 the other day safely in 100+ ambient temps back to back runs, most people can't even get that on e85 so we must be doing something right.


How do you keep the fuel rail close to ambient when it is connected to the block? The fuel lines are going to be the same temp as the block and the same temp as the rail:


The fuel line you are concerned about is attached to an injector that looks like this and sits in the head and the combustion chamber:


Metal on metal all the way. 4 inches of fuel line going over the VC is not going to do ANYTHING in terms of fuel temperature increase or decrease .

Set ups that run fuel through a pressure regulator and back to tank turns the pump's energy into pressure and then into heat anyways.

Fuel rail temp will be the same as the fuel line because they are connected together, metal on metal. You can wrap them in the DEI gold reflective tape if you want, will not make a lick of difference in fuel temp that get's injected into the cylinder.


Major General
Sep 6, 2017
Down Under
S65 1m
Who said the rail is on the block on our cars we build ?

I dont run a regulator

Like i said we don't disclose most of our mods


Brigadier General
Nov 6, 2016
ACF 6466 E92 + METH
Who said the rail is on the block on our cars we build ?

I dont run a regulator

Like i said we don't disclose most of our mods

Ok? So your fuel fail is not connected to the block in theory? Great. The HPFP is connected to the block. The HPFP metal lines will heat up the disconnected from the block fuel rail. The HPFP will warm up the fuel above ambient just because it is a pump. Metal on metal is a very efficient way of transferring heat as are liquids.

See image below of hpfp attached to block and the fuel line feeding the rail:

On the other side you have the injectors that connect directly to the fuel lines. The 6 injectors are in the head and combustion chamber. The 4 inch fuel line will warm up from that side as well, above ambient:

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Feb 24, 2019
335i - 08 Coupe .
Guys ,fuel line rabbit holes on the road ahead. This is super high pressure stuff not 'oh no vapour lock again on my holley carby' level.

Martymill agree with you on strategies to lower fuel temps as a great idea in general
Not agreeing at all about the hpressure fuel line 'alone' bit specifically ( happy to be convinced of course with some data but, I would say I have beer in my fridge if we took a friendly bet on significant difference) You do alude to other elements which can really help , a whole fuel management strategy inc. Design/Returns/surge as a whole etc. does a little bit and a little bit in a really hot environment can mean alot. But we also arent buying Moroso cool cans .......yet

Hey I know this is the octagon and all but ' can we stop comparing #$%#$ vendors on threads trying to progress a topic?' For #$%$ sake N54 people. Haha..

@admin suggest give people a ' i am a whiney complainer/ +vendor ' title to replace captain/10second club etc. for 3 infractions of time wasting vendor sledge.
Maybe also have an explanation of their whiney behaviour to replace thier car mods in their signature also, could be creative with that? It would at least provide so light humour for people.

Back to topic...

How about the 'community' decide what the stage x thing should be, if at all... you can 'help' vendors market thier stuff better Or maybe better ,provide the community a few guidelines for a sort of 'rating' tick boxes.
This might be a nice way of checking supporting mods/products on offer also.
So fuel pumps , turbos etc. With obviously some agreed evidence broadly accepted. Replace turbos with whatever product.

So things like
#turbos done 'x' rwhp dyno on 3 cars
#full weight car with turbos has done 9 or 10 1/4
# 'as above' terminal mph 130+
# 1/2 mile x mph
# proven track laptime or competition results( help choice for people looking for road/track setup)
# 30k+ miles (relative longevity)

What do people think?
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Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
What are infractions and what do they mean @doublespaces? This user has incurred an infraction for this post.

It means, I gave that user an infraction which is a point against their account. After a certain number of points things start to automatically happen to their account, usually various permissions begin to be revoked for a period of time. Nobody has actually incurred this many infractions however, I have only issued half a dozen in two years. I will say that Tony was vital to the development of a lot of the rules and boundary testing. That is an ongoing thing, I tend to err on the side of leniency. But yes, they got an infraction for the same final straw in a VTT thread that got Rob banned.

If this company is saying outrageous things, lets make a thread about it here in the Octagon and chat it up. Take out a television advertisement if you feel like it needs more exposure. If the company is doing bad deeds, since they are merely a reseller, I'd suspect you'd get companies like VRSF, David Shoup and his other 'direct affiliated' companies dumping him as a reseller before anyone has a case that can justify complete disregard for the rules set here.

Even so, that would be a conversation for a different day, different time and a different thread than the one all these responses were dumped into. Besides, I've got a perfect record so far with my paid vendors:

I have a name, face and address with a door on it that I can knock on for everyone one of these companies. Unlike Jerry who is banned and any other scammer who is nothing more than a name on the internet, there is an actual individual who I know to some degree behind the vendor tag. If that prooves to be insufficient, then I'll crank up that requirement until we find a balance.

So If this company is committing misdeeds, for which I have seen NO actual evidence of, then perhaps we should call the police if it is that serious. Otherwise, if it is merely threatening someone's business model, then frankly, that is not justification to over-ride the rules here and I'm pretty sure we all know how that ends. This website is not my income, I do it because I like it. I have a few very basic, fundamental rules that I've crafted which precludes me from bias. I believe everything has a place and every company is their own public relations agent. The vendor fee, which is insignificant, does not make me anyone's china turbo attorney or policeman. I've set forth some rules on engagement which I believe are fair, yet some people choose to be mad when the rules aren't in their favor but are happy to take advantage of the benefits when they are. I think this says more about those people than the rules.
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Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
Assembled in the USA? Out of curiosity have they posted one photo of a turbo being assembled or proper balancing equipment etc? Has anyone been to the shop to see their set being assembled? Many people such as FT claimed US assembled turbos, they were simply having Chinese parts assembled by a local turbo company, and slapping their name on them. Not saying these are not built in the USA, just wondering if they have any proof to back up what they are saying. Their eBay listings all say made in the USA, but all of their photos are clearly the same non-USA made housings everyone is using. Some clarity for people would be nice. We have offered many times for people to come see their set of turbos being assembled and balanced at our facility, quite a few have taken us up on it, including some larger dealers. We are going to do a shop walk around, and turbo assembly video soon as we get some time.


I know a few companies who desperately want to get valid "made in usa" labels on their products but they legally cannot, so they will write very tricky things like "made in north america" or "assembled in USA" etc... it's too bad really, that just makes people more untrusting and the companies look foolish.

If your product is made in Taiwan or China, who gives a shit...all you need to do is show proof that you are there controlling quality and show the way they make the products. If you don't show proof, then yeah, you deserve to be distrusted. Show us the money....


Apr 23, 2019
2007 e90 335i
Just installed my DAW 2+, fitment is spot on and no smoking. Super excited as I got my Ken tune this weekend and they drive great!!!!
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New Member
Apr 30, 2020
Hey guys, I recently installed the 775rs stage 2+ high flows on my e92 (n54). Got them installed around February 5th, never had any issues with them, they spool and sound very nice, can handle around 25psi safely , and very good for the price in my opinion. $1650 shipped is a steal. I am currently full bolt on, stage 2 lpfp , e50 tune. Still need to get it tuned from pure or wedge not sure yet though. Currently using a hybrid back end flash from Terry at burger motor sport. Also , Shawn is very helpful with anything and has fast shipping. The turbos come with balance sheets as well. In my opinion , they are great turbos if you don’t want to spend much but want to make around 550-600whp. With proper fueling , tune. (I also have inlets and outlets)


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