How To Install Confidence 101 -
1) vendor shows up, Das-Autowerx, company named almost like the turbo manufacture (Dynamic Autowerx), buys advertising, then peaces out.
2) People try to deconflict names to figure out what's going on.
3) Product manufacture is said not to like to be in public "forums" ...
4) But then the turbo manufacture starts an open Facebook page, to which Slow335is provides a link in this Ad thread (post #76)
5) Then Slow335i lets us know he's a vendor ...
6) ... who has been helping Eyelobes buy these turbos, but apparently not from Das-Autowerx but from the non-vendor/vendor Slow335is who verified with Dynamic Autowerx (not Das-Autowerx).
This thread is an unmitigated train wreck. These turbos could be superb. Let's assume they are. I would not spent $300 in the middle of this confusion, much less the amount these things sell for. This thread is a good example of how to bring a product to market, confuse the hell out of people, and hardly instill confidence (in fact, instill confusion), and strive to minimize the likelihood of peopling handing over $$$.
I'm sure everyone here is trying to do the right thing. In fact, I don't doubt that. But the various vendors and turbo manufacture are doing themselves a huge disservice in this confusion kabal that they obviously are clueless they've created.
Let me add one more thing: anyone with more than 6 months of experience on this platform (in other words if you have that or more, have no excuse for not understanding what I am about to say) knows that the N54 platform has been PLAGUED with replacement twin turbo issues. It is the #1 subject of woe. So to enter the twin turbo product arena with this kind of asphalt paving gypsy company approach - tough love, guys - that's how it looks.
You want product sales - get your messaging straight, present straight, engage the community with clarity, and deliver. Because short of that, I'm typing what a lot of people are thinking on the reading end, and not saying. Straight up.