Same. Early n55. I can run that boost and timing on E30 and the logs look pretty good. I bumped up to e40 a few days go to get a littl more octane and that was enough to crash rail pressure.fuel pump? port injection? meth?
I want to stay 93 with 3 gal of Ethanol (E20 ish) . Which means 19 psi and 9 ish timing max. I'm early N55 with the late N54 HPFP.
Also, I'm road track / Autocross oriented, so straight line tuning doesn't excite me. Meaning, temps will be a concern and available fuel in large quantities.
I did have charge pipe meth which resolves everything, even on 91. But I removed the system.
I am going to try this stuff called boostane tomorrow. For very cheap, it is supposed to bump my ACN 91 to 97 octane. Will post back my results but I am hoping it works so I’m not at the brink of the fuel system.
what afr are you running on the track? Would love to drive COTA one day.