Well, I know for a fact that the DSC is limiting trans behavior now. I took it for another test drive and couldn't go into S6 mode and while in M mode the car auto shifts from 1st to 2nd at 2700rpm no matter what.
All this is with the DSC all fudged up. So the DSC is integral in the transmission operation....
The uncalibrated DSC causes that. I swapped my DME temporarily and wrote the DME Vin to the DSC and then had to calibrate before it would drive correctly. The DCT would up shift really early. At around 3k rpm as some kind of safe mode. Never could tell if that was a TCU safety precaution procedure.
The DSC fix required Tool32 IIRC for getting it going again. If you have issues search for where others have replaced the DSC with a used unit.
EDIT: steering angle after calibration
Keep your wheels pointing straight.
Open Tool32 ->DSC_87.prg
Select "lenkwinkel dsc abgleichen"
enter your VIN and end it with 1
Repeat the above for 'c_fg_schreiben' and 'c_fg_auftrag'
Both use your VIN as argument (checksum at end, use 1)
ISTA-D generally will see the two issues and address it too. DSC is very sensitive to changes it seems.
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