Caught up now.
Setting VO to *KG93 (from E82 *UC93) allowed US based M3 display defaults when default coding the M3 kombi after clearing the eprom. VIN synced and mileage without tamper dot... Large gear numbers and all. Before that, using the *UC93 caused the display to format like original non-M and non-E90 (clusters are physically different in the center).
The only code change I made was setting rpm to wert_02. Will have to research why that was recommended. I'm wondering if the 335is kombi will configure properly (aka no manual intervention) if default coded with the VO set to represent an M3? Could simplify the process.
GSW installed and not active at all (as expected) with non-M DCT programming. Once the TCU was flashed to MGTS (because the number was easy to find), GSW lit up. Cleared codes and test drove. I can confirm the part throttle shifts up in 5th and 6th seem to slip the clutch for a long time. Example. 1/3 throttle at 3500 rpm, upshift and rpm still at 3500. Lift and throttle again, now at 3200 rpm cruising. Weird.
Sorry, but couldn't find anything labeled in INPA that would be interpret as "Variants" through my copy, but did find two reset options under the MEDV176 DME (Would expect INPA to be the same for both N54 and N55). One was for resetting all adaptations and the other was just called ECU Reset with a warning.
Tried them both. Restarted and could hear some adjustments. Ran out of time. Will test tomorrow.
Oh, I had two errors sticking around... will check tomorrow and see if they are still there and grab a snap shot of them. Gave me the impression that the TCU and DSC were unable to talk about something. Each module had a similar message that pointed to the other. Too late to remember. Might reinforce that these modules are meant to work together.