Exactly. Besides throwing a couple things in the VO, there's nothing we're doing that differentiates us from a M3. Maybe with that M3 code added in for coding, KOMBI, CIC, and whatever else actually defaults to M3 values and operates as such without touching a thing.
This is correct and mostly works that way. However it always needs to be checked. You will eventually create 1 file that suits your car using your original 335 file for base values for most things and those changes in the default file written to the module is what it needs, this is where all the time will go, but it's fun.
If your a e91 wagon car and you flash the m3 coupe vehicle type cic file, which car do you think will appear on the screen in reverse gear. That's why having your original file and chafing the value in the default file you flashed is important.
It can be buggy that why it's always important when you have the perfect file save it and keep it so you don't need to do it each and every time. For example, if you have servotronic in a non m3 the jbbf value is something like servitronoc_ventil and even with then SA code added, ncs default flash always has it turned off, which is should not do. Time and analysis is the key and of course a little common sense. 2 other pointers,
1. Never process whole car, not a good idea as painful as it can be working out all the values.
2. The first time your in NCS, when you hit the back button, go back to your work folder and you will see a 255kb files who h has all your value for all modules. Copy it to your backup, it's great to have but do not rely on it solely as I've see problems. The independant individual files are better.
3. Since the car stores VO in 2 places the cas and nfrm, design a method in your hard. For example original parts coding always through cas, retrofit coding always through nfrm, this way you won't make a mistake and you always have your original VO handy quickly.
4. It's probably best to also change the build date in the VO, that's at the top like for example #0909
This words for things like say your original car is #0308 and you have retrofitted combox media. CMedia won't appear in the list because it was not available until something like #0311 . Once you punch in 0311 it appears in the list.
Revtor pdf is a great read for netodat for who over is keen. Understanding that you can do things which are impossible in a regular trace files but not necessary for what your doing here.