Bucket won't make that worse. Don't worry too much about jumpiness on pressure, if you want to smooth that out an external regulator will do that for you, and for extra fun you can have the return dump right on top of your bucket.
If you really need a ton of flow, we can make the second pump routed externally. It's still in the bucket but it's bucketless flow as none of it bleeds off into the venturi, it flows straight out of the top hat, across the top of the tank, joins driver's side output, they both go through the filter, into the regulator and will get turned into horsepower by your N54. First pump uses all of the in-tank stuff and feeds venturi. Second pump uses none of the in-tank stuff. It's thus got HIGHER flow than a bucketless traditional in-tank pump. Both go through external regulator, return adds to bucket fill.
The difference between a regulator return vs. venturi, is the venturi feeds the bucket as a percentage of flow any time the pump is running. The regulator only bypasses fuel once pressure target is exceeded. If you're maxing out flow or set pressure target high with the regulator, it's not going to flow as much fuel through the return with high boost, higher RPM if you're pushing limits. This is why you still want a healthy venturi.
Regardless, help is an email away. Just tell me what you have, what you want, and what you might want to do in the future and we can put together something sane that doesn't blow your budget to the moon. Or if you want to go crazy, we have the single shot, the double shot, and for those special occasions, the drunken sailor (not on website, that's email/custom only), which is a lot of shots and more than anyone currently needs on the platform.