Winter update:
Snowed about a foot here in Chicagoland. The combo of snow, wind, below freezing weather made it terrible to even be outside. But I did have to clean off ol' Silver and get her out of the driveway lol. I thought that the E85 in the tank would hate me, and not start up without a few good cranks but first crank and it started right up! Full e85 on PI 28psi map with a foot of snow LOL SEND IT! Turbos, motor, blower motor all holding up fine *knock on wood*. IATs are solid even with beating on the car lol. Blizzaks are worth every penny, the car handled perfect with this much snow. Didn't get stuck even once, lots of trucks and suv's were giving me the finger when I would pass them LOL . Had a lot of fun in the snow, did multiple donuts in the snow on WOT throttle and the car didn't skip a beat. I mean if its -2 out, and car isn't misfiring or acting weird while WOT, then im pretty sure its holding up pretty solid. PR coils are def a must have for any high hp car! My front bumper finally decided to break apart when hitting a bump, I literally was dragging the driver side fog lights when i hit the bump lol Pulled over and just ripped it off. Oh Well. It's gonna get replaced in the spring time anyways. Its a lot of fun in the snow with a 600awhp 335xi, hauls ass, very predictable, no need for e-brake to do donuts and executive perfect e-brake turns haha.
Still gotta do all the suspension crap once winter is over, but fixed the headlights and some other small bulbs.
Till next time.