Technical Apr 2020 update: Maintaining a 600awhp 335xi Pure Stage 2 - Long term- CAR FOR SALE NOW!!


Nov 3, 2016
'10 335xi
Installed the plugs with a 25 gap and was feeling a little misfire every time I would get into boost. Car seemed fine throughout the power-band otherwise. I then re-gapped them down to 22 and they seem to work just fine. Lesson learned. Go with the S55 plugs LOL and gap them moderately tight.

I have been trying to get on the dyno but my local shop has been having issues with their dynojet recently. Hopefully can get on the dyno soon to finally see what the car makes.

Till next time


Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
What's the difference between the s55 and n20 plugs? I have the n20 plugs and they seem to work great so far(stock coils).


Jun 5, 2017
07 335i MT
What's the difference between the s55 and n20 plugs? I have the n20 plugs and they seem to work great so far(stock coils).

I know the n20 plugs are refered to as 1.5 steps colder.. I can't find the difference between the s55 and the N55 plugs I really can't.. They do that with the oil filters too.. There is an oil filter for the s55 and the n5x they are identical bit one has an M stamped in it.. Idk I think it's bullshit!

Twisted Tuning

Platinum Vendor
Oct 25, 2016
New York
N54 and N55 Cars
Installed the plugs with a 25 gap and was feeling a little misfire every time I would get into boost. Car seemed fine throughout the power-band otherwise. I then re-gapped them down to 22 and they seem to work just fine. Lesson learned. Go with the S55 plugs LOL and gap them moderately tight.

I have been trying to get on the dyno but my local shop has been having issues with their dynojet recently. Hopefully can get on the dyno soon to finally see what the car makes.

Till next time

so you still had to run a .022 even with the PR ignition coil setup?


Nov 3, 2016
'10 335xi
Quick update:


Let me tell you this: If you don't have the M-tech bumpers and M3 Side skirts, you are REALLY missing out! It totally transforms the look of the car. Makes it WAYY more aggressive looking and the body lines actually fit with the whole scheme of the car. I don't even look at 335s that don't have M-Tech bumpers anymore LOL meh no m-tech no care. haha.

Car running pretty freaking good at the moment. My daily map is feeling solid and my kill map is waiting for the dyno :smilingimp:
Still got a lot of crap to do. Found my rear coilovers leaking, and pretty much ate up my rear tires down to the wire :fearful:. So need to get my coilovers rebuild from kW and new tires. Thinking about getting those Federal 595RS-RR or whatever they're called or the Firestone Firewhawk Indy 500s. Haven't made up my mind.

Till next time!
WhatsApp Image 2017-07-18 at 12.16.52 AM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2017-07-18 at 12.16.51 AM.jpeg


Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
Very nice! I'm mid install as well, however I decided to retrofit rear PDC. On a vert, that has been a pain in the you know what. Since my car is black, I chose to paint my diffuser black as well. If I don't like how it looks, I'll be upgrading it to a CF diffuser most likely anyway.


Nov 3, 2016
'10 335xi
Quick Update:

Got a tire for my rear passenger side so I can atleast enjoy the car for the rest of the summer. Getting it re-aligned and corner balanced this upcoming week. Car been running solid but did get a weird code:

2D2E - DME: Throttle-valve angle - intake manifold vacuum, correlation

Anyone got an idea on how to resolve this? I have a 1/4 BOV AN fitting and AN line. I doubt there is a leak but haven't had a chance to check it. Suggestions would be appreciated ! Cleared the code and hasn't came back yet. Also, my PI has been leaking, reached out to Mauricio and he sent me replacement injectors. Gonna put those in soon and hope they resolve the hard long starts n fuel smell after doing a pull.

Tuning: Been having a constant cyl 5 timing drop. I have no idea what it is, plugs n coils are new, index 12 injectors. No misfiring whatsoever. I looked a couple of diff people's log and some cars have it, and others don't. No idea what the deal is but someone needs to explain that to me so I can stop being paranoid about it lol. If anyone has a article or something I can read up on regarding cyl 5 timing drops that would be greatly appreciated!

Dyno: I have had the WORST luck when trying to dyno the car. Everytime I call my local dynojet AWD shop, they are always booked for the next month, or have terrible communication skills. Playing phone tag for weeks now. All the other shops in my area are overbooked or are asking $500 for 3 pulls which is a bit much imho. So, im just waiting for the stars to align and pigs to start flying so I can dyno my car lol.

Till next time!


Feb 13, 2017
09 335i
As far as cyl 5 issues goes, I've had it as well and it seems that it's very common on IJEOS specially those of us running Full E85. On my case it's mainly cyl 5 and 2.
Some have fixed it either with Vanos adj or running leaner, no real fix that I know of as it varies by car.


Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
Isn't that the code you get when you reset your throttle adaptations and don't wait long enough before turning the car back on? Makes your car run like shit


Nov 3, 2016
'10 335xi
The day Ive been dreaming of for the past 2-3 years had finally arrived......didn't even sleep the night before. Was way too pumped up to even rest lol. I filled up some good e85 from the night before and was hoping that all would go well. Cruise up to the shop, did a 4th gear pull on the way there, the car felt gooooooooddddddd :D:D.

Got to the shop, saw bunch of badass cars there. 535i with rb 17t turbos, single turbo 370z (blown motor), 335i with a DocRace kit, Fisker Karma, and a bunch of c5 vettes and some old vipers just collecting dust. Head up to the shop owner, Ryan (I've known Ryan for quite some time, he's the local n54 shop to go to), talk logistics and we were on our way. Got the dyno cleared for my car, double checked everything was in order and strapped the Silver Surfer up.....I was praying for 600 and reciting every verse I've ever memorized from the time I could read Arabic lol. Ryan was cool about doing a couple of pulls on both maps so I wanted to see what both maps were going to put down.

Here we go..first pull....*hold my breath*.....570awhp! Ok, not too shabby for a daily driver map. Targeted 24.4-25.2 psi across the board with 10.5-11.6 degrees of timing...Car held boost perfect and Ryan said it felt solid....

Looked at the tq and it said 1300?! WTF....We looked at the wire that was attached to the PR coils for the tq reading and Ryan concluded that the wire was picking up interferences. I spoke to Ken about this later on during the day and he said I should have connected that wire onto the plug wires that go into the rail, where the factory connectors are. Oh well, so Ryan just hid the tq reading since it was very inaccurate. Plus that also gives you guys a chance to guess the tq :smilingimp:...

Anyways, after the first pull, we agreed to let the car cool down a bit and then flash the kill map which should be 600 *fingers crossed* the meantime, Ryan was telling me that these cars like to make more power after oil temps get hot enough (235+). I was shocked and thought that wouldn't the car make more power if oil temps were kept low? What do you guys think? He swore that every N54 he has dyno'd made more power when oil temps were 235+ compared to when oil temps were hovering around 210. Weird, I know. Oh well, onto the kill map...

Flashed the kill mode map, quick 2 min flashing thanks to the MHD gods (Martial) and we were ready. Ryan had to strap the car down a little tighter because the car was moving on the rollers! Holy shit I thought that was only needed for 750+whp cars lol

Do another pull......*hold breath, praying with all my might*......599awhp! Happy but not satisfied! God dammit, 1awhp away from my goal!......

We go for another pull....586awhp.....Heart sank:sweat:......Ryan suggested we let the car cool down and we do one last pull...I was desperate for 600 so what the hell, let's do it.

Let the car cool down for a bit....grabbed some drinks and took a quick 10-15 min break.

Went back up on the dyno..did another pull.....600.26awhp!!!!!!:fearscream::fearscream::fearscream::fearscream::fearscream::fearscream:

I couldn't believe it! I jumped up and screamed "F*ck yeah! 600 b*tch!". Ryan started laughing as he got out of the car to let it cool down...

What a journey to say the least my friends! From MHD stg1 beta flash only, to FBO, to the inlet craze, to the Hexon Epidemic, and finally to the Pure Turbo life! I could have not been more happy to say I was done with the car, in terms of performance mods.....just need to do a few cosmetic things like reseal my headlights, detail the car and then off to diverge into ripping apart the suspension and brakes. Just wanted to thank a few people who helped me along the way:

- Jesse and Charles @PureTurbos for the badass turbos and helping me recover from the Hexon sh*tstorm

- Ken @WedgePerformance for always helping me out with advice and being patient with me since i ask 987334 questions lol and for providing a kickass tune and I literally told him I wanted 600awhp and he made 600.26awhp happen. How? I have no idea but it doesn't get more accurate than that lol

- Robert @PRECISON RACEWORKS for always answering my questions whether it was in regards to the DTM rings, LPFP, PI, and the Ignition system.

- Dave @fuel-it for being a good friend and always giving me an honest opinon. Ive known Dave since I bought my car and he introduced me to all these forums and vendors ( He lives down the street from me ). He's the f*cker who kept egging me on to go FBO, then Inlets, then turbos, then PI and more recently he's been pushing jb4 on me LOL. Even though we argue a lot and he's a b*tch sometimes, I wouldn't wanna roll up to any races/tracks with anyone else:kissingheart:

- Ryan K. My boy and the mastermind behind my car. He's always been down to work on my car and he's the only one I trust touching my car besides me. Me and him have went done turbo swaps on jack stands for my car, went thru 2-3 sets of inlets, turbos, intercoolers etc. He always gave me the best advice on how to approach the mods, what I should do for failsafe lights and switches, and I couldn't have done 600awhp without him.

- Ryan @PerformanceSolutions for getting me on the dyno and doing a couple of pulls on the car.

Uploading pics and videos shortly. Got some kill videos too that Ill post up as well.

Thanks for reading!
Till next time!