You will pick a PSI for it to start injecting. So if you pick 12 PSI once your TMAP see's 12 PSI the meth pump will turn on and you start injecting. You don't want it too low otherwise you inject during daily driving wasting meth.
100% methanol, 20-25% methanol/fuel ratio or 1.5-2cc per BHP. 600whp would be say ~700 BHP so aquamist says you should be running 1050cc - 1400cc of meth. 700 x 1.5 = 1050, 700 x 2.0 = 1400.
Pump output is at 160psi(red line), subtract ~30PSI for your boost so you are at ~130 on the chart:
View attachment 41081View attachment 41082
So you need two 1.0 jets or two 1.2 or one of each. Two 1.2s would be 1250cc. This is assuming 100% meth.
If you are going to run M50/W50 use this math 15-20% MW/fuel ratio or 1-1.5cc per BHP or 1050cc on the high end.
The pump can only supply 1500CC max. So you could add a 3rd nozzle if you wanted to go above 1250cc. Three .9s would be 1350cc on 100% meth.
Does this make sense?
Try reading this: Ignore the direct port stuff. But it still explains how to calc jet sizing in an easy way.