Which MAF value in the MHD log is being used to look up compressor kW?


Mar 11, 2018
2015 X5 and 2008 535i
My 2017 540i uses hardware number 00003081501102, and I am tuning the car myself. I normally use custom WGDC table on MHD+ but have wondered if I can get better boost control by using the compressor characteristic table instead. Here is a pic which maps out where the different versions of MAF are plotted at different boost setpoint factors. You'll also notice the MAF in CCwRC/TP points show up as a grid. This is because these points show the locations of the points defined in the table in the BIN file. I also shared a pic of the table from tunerpro. One thing I do not understand is which value is being used to generate the "Compresor base (kW)" values in my logs. None of the three MAF versions I see in my logs match up with what I see in the table on my BIN file. I also notice the compressor base maxes out at 71 on the logs, even though the table in the bin file has higher values. See the picture I posted which shows the compressor kW values for my logs and from the BIN file. None of the three versions of MAF in my logs match up with the lookup in the table. Can anyone help? I would like to tweak the boost control using the compressor characteristic table, but I also don't know where in the table my logs actually fall.... which makes it difficult to know exactly where to make changes. Thank you for any help.


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