What are your adaptation values in xhp?
I flashed back to PD stock calibration for tuning purposes. With PD calibration the car shifts ultrasmooth, however WOT or over 50% pedal runs into torque limiter and causes enginr to reduce fuel and thus creates rpm oscillations.
On stage 3 xhp, car runs smooth on normal pedal input but jerky and lurching and violent shifting...and indecisive back and forth shifts.
Ideally the car would shift smooth like stock Pd with fast shift times of stage 3. Thus far it has been one or the other, not both.
I don't know, maybe my unit is not put together correctly and your will show no issues with xhp. At this point there is no way of finding out short of disassembly and inspection of bushings and discs. So far the converter was replaced, soleboids, sonnax...and it shifted a little better. But never to the previous smoothness.