No, this isn't true at all. Plenty of respect on this board for Doc Race, for Fab Factory, for ACF, for BMS, for AD Engineering, for RB Turbos, for Fuel-It, for MMP....should I keep going? Many of these vendors have running beefs with VTT (which is easy to accomplish cause Tony is generally not very likable).
My statement of "oh lord" is and was this:
Another new to the market vendor comes in with no results, no facts/figures, no proof of superiority. He looks around the room and with vulgarity says how he is better than VTT, RB, MMP, who have already proven themselves.
I'm all down for a great new product, I am. I'm eagerly awaiting CES/Steed Speed's results to compare against Payam and ACF (along with Tony's GC's). But this millennial mindset of superiority without any proof has bitten this market segment (n54 aftermarket) time and time again. What I do know is that there are pictures of a development kit, and a lackluster dyno showing full spool at 3800rpm and peaking at 634hp. That's hardly putting "twins dicks in the dirt".
This may be the new hotness... It really might. But right now there is nothing to go on except the facts portrayed and someone running their mouth with nothing to back it up.
That's what "oh lord" means.