Really nice post Veer90.
Like you I decided to do my own dual pump system but I don't fully understand the FPR side of things so I've left my second pump disconnected for now.
I've looked at your setup and I'm afraid I still don't fully understand it. I want to make sure I don't blow a fuel line off, starting a fire.
My port meth setup is flowing lots of fuel. More than enough for my current requirements but in the future I'd like to have a direct injection only setup.
Once there's a hpfp solution.
I see that often a fuel pulse damper is fitted to systems like these to make the fuel pressure more stable. Avoiding peaks and troughs in pressure. Not sure how pressure looks when the second pump kicks in and turns off.
If you're concerned about overpressure the easiest way would be to add an aftermarket FPR / return line and deleting the stock FPR on the fuel sender.
I'm not sure on your exact question or setup. Fuel and power goals?