Can you guys work with trebila as i do not want to keep sending files for modification every time he makes a mod to my bin file
Can you guys work with trebila as i do not want to keep sending files for modification every time he makes a mod to my bin file
You can't send us his files as they are locked. He will need to get the tables from us to incorporate. We can only modify unlocked bins for people. The tables are public not secret so no problem.
Can that information be posted here for archival purposes?
Forum does tables:
Couple of local guys asked me how to take these plugs apart as they where having a hard time doing it so i made a little quick video hope it helps someone, i used a melted harness I had from a car that caught fire to practice on before I go dissembling mine
We need to have you do our videos, I have shaky hands from nerve damage. Below is the video link included on page 3 of the instructions on the Precision Raceworks website.