Old old version the manufacturer didn't come through to spec on wires, so they got revised internally. Wasn't an issue they were still good wires just not where they should have been, they were similar to MSD wires when superior to Accel and MSD was the target. New-old version fixed that (second batch of wires onwards). Going too low in resistance isn't a huge benefit since the plugs have resistors but go too low and you can get RF interference, things like jb4 BT connect kits freak out for no discernible performance advantage as these coils are already powerful. If you want to bottom out resistance you should check into solid copper core plugs too.
Biggest issue with the old style boot was that some people had virtually no issues and appreciated the low profile, others would destroy them repeatedly, so the design was revised to improve fit, installation, and removal.
If the coils are too close to the turbo, you can pick up the N55 brackets and wires pretty cheap from PR, just message him about your fitment concern with the new wires and maybe he can help you out, he's pretty good about that kind of thing if you're honest with him.
Found an image comparing the cores of first (bottom), revised, and accel which is superior to msd-