That intake manifold side mounting might change my mind on these. In for pictures installed on some N54s.
PM'd you. Also I am in and will pay after my PM'd question is answered
That intake manifold side mounting might change my mind on these. In for pictures installed on some N54s.
Yeah I'd love to see a picture, also like to have PR define how much trimming of the cover is necessary.
We got it! It’s all good, it was close enough lol@John@DBV2 payment sent. I hope I calculated the fee correctly for you.
Please add me to this List for the Group Buy. I paid on the website and my order number is #1623. I was hoping to get a refund of the $63.53 and just be in on the group buy. Please let me know if you need any further info on my order to complete the refund.
Sorry you guys both sent it in CAD haha refunding and please resend in USD other wise we pay fees to receive and fees to pay PR.
Sorry guys, hate to be a hassle.