Mmp/PR Port injection


Jun 5, 2017
07 335i MT
Could someone who currently owns this kit please get me the part numbers off the injectors.. If it's not installed of coarse I just want the Bosch number 0280xxxxxx
I bought a used kit and am regretting it big time seller didn't ship till I got PayPal involved.. Missing gaskets and bolts.. No fuel line and I want to double check injectors.. When I cross the numbers they are a 200cc injector for a Mazda tribute/escape

Thanks in advance guise!


New Member
Nov 6, 2016
South Africa
Just did an brand new MMP-E install of the PI kit... 4 injectors were leaking through the ball style nozzle...

They aren't genuine bosch units supplied with the kit but his install Diy shows that genuine rather it's some low end piece of trash. I am honestly shocked at the poor quality especially if one or them don't open or stick open and flood the motor.

My supplier is in contact with MMP-E at the moment on a course of action.
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Jun 5, 2017
07 335i MT
Just did an brand new MMP-E install of the PI kit... 4 injectors were leaking through the ball style nozzle...

They aren't genuine bosch units supplied with the kit but his install Diy shows that genuine rather it's some low end piece of trash. I am honestly shocked at the poor quality especially if one or them don't open or stick open and flood the motor.

My supplier is in contact with MMP-E at the moment on a course of action.

Yea I'm gonna be honest I don't think he's happy with me because I'm asking g questions about his PI kit that I bought used.. But I'm trying to cover his but if this guy swapped injectors so I don't trash his kit if it isn't his stuff.. Looks like it's doing it fine on its own lol


Oct 18, 2016
2009 E93 335i
Just did an brand new MMP-E install of the PI kit... 4 injectors were leaking through the ball style nozzle...

They aren't genuine bosch units supplied with the kit but his install Diy shows that genuine rather it's some low end piece of trash. I am honestly shocked at the poor quality especially if one or them don't open or stick open and flood the motor.

My supplier is in contact with MMP-E at the moment on a course of action.

That isn't good. Is everyone getting knockoff injectors?
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New Member
Nov 6, 2016
South Africa
Small update from my side, a friend offered me his 550cc that he was supplied with his fuel it kit, he replaced the 550cc with 750cc I believe and sent these to me to test out on the mmp rail. On first inspection his fuel it derived injectors are actually bosch units as can be seen by the manufacturer stamp and logo. Secondly these units don't look like they were made from recycled plastic. Most importantly when fitted to the rail and tested they didn't leak.. Fuel it however grinds the part number of the injector for whatever reason they have...


Jun 5, 2017
07 335i MT
The injectors in the kit I have are what I was told a modified injector.. That have a Bosch number on them but are labeled fomoco which is ford motor company.. When crossed they are a 200cc injector I believe but mmp told me they are modified to flow more.. I forget the simple little tricks you can do to get an injector to flow more.. But it's more than likely why they are having issues.
Small update from my side, a friend offered me his 550cc that he was supplied with his fuel it kit, he replaced the 550cc with 750cc I believe and sent these to me to test out on the mmp rail. On first inspection his fuel it derived injectors are actually bosch units as can be seen by the manufacturer stamp and logo. Secondly these units don't look like they were made from recycled plastic. Most importantly when fitted to the rail and tested they didn't leak.. Fuel it however grinds the part number of the injector for whatever reason they have...

They grind them off so we can't cross them.. And or purchase them ourselves.. Injectors are pretty cheap especially when you buy bulk through a supplier.. Its business, if we know they paid 23 bucks an injector it really sucks the value outta an 800 plate and 200 dollar fuel line.. They say we pay for R&D which who knows but the bottom line is if you don't have a little ingenuity in your blood and willing to buy your own injectors and make your own lines and source your hole to plop your injectors then your paying to play :)
And good for them they got rich AF off some injectors and plates as well a 90 buck 450s lol
They did it right you don't hear many complaints about them other than price :)


Platinum Vendor
Nov 11, 2016
So we sell the MMP PI kits and are glad to hear all of the feedback. If we can be of any help let us know and we will gladly help the community as always.

On side note about grinding of P/N's all big name injector suppliers in the performance world grind off part numbers on injectors. There are several reasons why they do this, of course one of them is to protect the hours they have put into researching and cross referencing part numbers finding that P/N XXX is the same as P/N XXXX but was sold to a different market or sold to a car manufacture direct. The only company in the USA that buys Bosh injectors direct (in the after market world) is Injector Dynamics. They have some behind the scene relationship and it is believed they will become part of Bosch if they haven't already done so.

Now with that said I doubt Fuel-it is grinding the P/N's off most likely it is a supplier that is doing this. For our Audi/VW PI kit that will be releasing next month our supplier also grinds P/N's and serializes every injector. If you do not have serial numbers on your injectors odds are they are not flow matched. We will be including certificates with them as well showing their flow data and guarantee match within 1-2%. This is because of the supplier we elected to use (and it drove our cost up on injectors about 350%).

Now with that said flow matched doesn't matter as much in the N54 world since it will be batch fire anyways. Regardless of which PI system you buy there will be 5 times that injector fires that the fuel does not go into the cylinder per revolution. This creates pooling of fuel and doesn't matter the "spray pattern" not until the 6th time it fires anyways which by then there is 5X more pooled fuel then atomized fuel.

I started rambling but anyways the point is just because the injectors have removed P/N's or other markings does not make them bad injectors it actually probably means they came from someone like Injector Dynamics (or smaller similar company). In any other market a big part of why it is done is because you can not simply buy that same P/N and swap it out if one of theirs should ever fail or you damage one. Standard tolerance is with in 20% flow match. Performance world the standard is around 2% which is a huge difference.

In the example of our VW/Audi setup if you swapped out the same P/N injector but hadn't been flow matched with one of ours you would risk blowing the motor (melting a piston). This is because it is sequential fired and you can control exacts not dumping excess raw fuel.

Back to the real topic though let us know if we can be of any help. We have TONS of resources at our disposal and have excellent relationships with everyone in the N54 aftermarket development community. Only one or two people we don't work with behind the scene to help further the development of this platform.


Jun 5, 2017
07 335i MT
Yes when you buy say OES arms for your e90 or such they are made by trw and they just grind the pn off as well as the roundel

Its all the same..


What injectors are they supposed to be in the kit? I only ask because I bought a used kit that I don't plan on using and if I resell it I'd like to be able to assure the buyer it is complete minus what I disclose is not.. The deal went down very shitty and PayPal is involved if that describes anything lol.. No body wants to clone them we can all buy compact injectors on eBay lol
I don't want to screw someone else.

Mmp never responded back to me


Jun 5, 2017
07 335i MT
And I have to agree being a batch fired injector it's pattern might be of merit but it's flow being matched is not.. I'd assume a decent pattern and the least wall wetting would be best only for how long it stays atomized if it even does and also aiding in pulling some heat out of the area.. I'd assume the latter is the only feasible possibility..

I've never tuned any car let alone an aic6.. What's the estimation on how much actual fuel puddles on the valve after 5 pulses.. I'd assume tuning your batch firing 3 and 3 so in a 6 cylinder you would use a little more than 3 times the fuel?
Someone has to offer an affordable sequential controller?


Platinum Vendor
Nov 11, 2016
It doesn't batch fire by bank it batch fires all 6 so it is literally 6 times the fuel. Flow matched is important to some degree with the batch fire just saying it's not as sensitive. Since the fuel is not atomized being batched fired (well 5/6 of the PI fuel entering the cylinder isn't) it doesn't guarantee the same success for burn as a full atomized single spray would. Personally would still want flow matched because I have seen as much as 20% difference in flow in brand new Bosch injectors and 20% would be bad even more so since that cylinder sprays 6 times for every revolution making the gap even larger. But if they are in the more typical 5-8% range it's not as big of a deal.

There are not currently any sequential controllers on the market (at least that we know of) until you go to stand alone systems.

As for what injectors are in the kit let us check for you and see what we can find out and get back.


Nov 3, 2016
'10 335xi
I am having the same issue. MMP PI injectors are leaking cause a delayed long start. Only happens when the car is warm. MMP sent me another set of injectors, I have yet to install them. Hopefully that does the trick or else we need a better solution!


May 4, 2017
Plano TX
There are not currently any sequential controllers on the market (at least that we know of) until you go to stand alone systems.

I've often wondered who was going to be the first to pull in a MegaSquirt II via CANBus integration and have the MSII sequentially control the add-on PI system. CANBus integration would also allow the MSII to shut down the PI when the DME shuts down the DI removing one of the major problems with add-on PI systems on the N54.

The MSII is only $450...not much more than the AIC, but the capabilities are much more. The development work would add to the bottom line, but we are already paying roughly $4-450 for AIC control. What's the big deal in stepping up to an MSII and jumping to $6-650 for fully integrated sequential control with integrated fuel cut and safety systems via CANBus?
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Mellow Yellow

Jan 22, 2017
I am having the same issue. MMP PI injectors are leaking cause a delayed long start. Only happens when the car is warm. MMP sent me another set of injectors, I have yet to install them. Hopefully that does the trick or else we need a better solution!
OH. Maybe thats why my car is taking forever to start. I thought it was from the e85