I've often wondered who was going to be the first to pull in a MegaSquirt II via CANBus integration and have the MSII sequentially control the add-on PI system. CANBus integration would also allow the MSII to shut down the PI when the DME shuts down the DI removing one of the major problems with add-on PI systems on the N54.
The MSII is only $450...not much more than the AIC, but the capabilities are much more. The development work would add to the bottom line, but we are already paying roughly $4-450 for AIC control. What's the big deal in stepping up to an MSII and jumping to $6-650 for fully integrated sequential control with integrated fuel cut and safety systems via CANBus?
What would the MS pull from the canbus regarding single cylinder fuel cuts? And how long would that take for the signal to arrive? The CANBus can get busy