I understand the fear of separating the group into rich people poor people or whatever you want to call it, financial segregation as put above. But seriously, when has something like that ever been my agenda? I've done the best I can to make things fair, so yes I do take it personally when someone claims I'm being unfair and I will demand they explain or prove their points. If I can be shown I'm being unfair, I will make it fair.
We have started taking on paid vendors and I find it critical to take in revenue from places other than vendors to maintain a certain balance, having more than a handful of shareholders voting if you will. Google ads is one revenue source but the people themselves for a small fee(whatever it ends up being) I truly think its a valuable and powerful thing.
If anyone has noticed, the board has had a blank page on the root(https://www.spoolstreet.com) teasing a new homepage. That is a blog setup to showcase the top threads, but it is also a fully functional wordpress front end, you just can't see it. I've reached out to several vendors over a year ago asking them to write articles for me while allowing them to post a plug for themselves so long as it was technical and informative and they expressed interest. That is just a model for a start anyway. Eventually I'd like to have actual articles written by insightful people who aren't direct members of this community, My goals and long term aspirations over the next several years is very large. So while the site may not command at $10/mo fee for all people, I hope one day it would.
We have started taking on paid vendors and I find it critical to take in revenue from places other than vendors to maintain a certain balance, having more than a handful of shareholders voting if you will. Google ads is one revenue source but the people themselves for a small fee(whatever it ends up being) I truly think its a valuable and powerful thing.
If anyone has noticed, the board has had a blank page on the root(https://www.spoolstreet.com) teasing a new homepage. That is a blog setup to showcase the top threads, but it is also a fully functional wordpress front end, you just can't see it. I've reached out to several vendors over a year ago asking them to write articles for me while allowing them to post a plug for themselves so long as it was technical and informative and they expressed interest. That is just a model for a start anyway. Eventually I'd like to have actual articles written by insightful people who aren't direct members of this community, My goals and long term aspirations over the next several years is very large. So while the site may not command at $10/mo fee for all people, I hope one day it would.