I totally understand the idea of a premium membership, and I may still at one point upgrade my account, but I just don't see the value right now relative to a regular membership. I probably shouldn't say that, because it's just more incentive to make more things require an upgraded membership.
I'll be honest, I would rather it be free and have ads on the sides of the page. I know that is anathema to your desire for advertiser independence Tyler, but I think subscription only works in the 2 edges of the bell curve - i.e. niche markets like Digitalpoint - a forum with a limited number of users but willing to pay since it's business focused, or something like Experts Exchange. On the other end, you have things like Spotify or Apple Music that are inexpensive because they scale to the millions of users. I have a number of subscription services, among them:
Plex (lifetime) $5/month or $120 lifetime
Media Center Master (lifetime) $4/month or $60 lifetime
Spotify (wife's) $10/month
Amazon Prime (annual) $13/month or $120/yr
Dollar Shave Club (well, just canceled it, but their Shave butter is FANTASTIC!) $6/month
Motor Trend Network $5/month
Netflix $11/month
I find that each of these services provide enough value to justify their price. Perhaps there will be new features to justify $9/month for Spoolstreet, but it's a hard sell at that price. I have quit purchasing magazines because of their increased cost - I think Super Street (one of the only ones left!) is $10 bucks! But at $10, it still has articles written by employees rather than just reader submissions, and it's printed - not digital.
$2 per month - don't even have to think about it, one. $5 per month - would probably still do it, but $9 - that's a lot of scratch for a forum that is primarily contributor driven. I understand the costs associated, but content is generally free and done by members, unless people are getting paid to post and I've just been doing it wrong, lol.
I was going to ask - if someone upgrades their membership prior to 12/31, they get a permanent "Founder" title - but if they cancel their VIP membership, do they keep it, but just lose access to the VIP features? Seems odd, but titles never meant much to me. Hell I can't even figure out the rankings there are now or what they are supposed to insinuate.
I was out at dinner when I got this notification and my phone died before I could submit a reply.
This is an incredibly useful feedback. Firstly, the VIP system was not ready for release. It was only halfway complete and its not like I sat down, took the pricing model to the board of directors and we all voted on it and this is what its going to be or damn everyone... This was quite literally a placeholder value and while I was testing the upgrade feature someone actually bought it (
@LoBoost) so I figured it was a place to start. As I stated prior, if its not, then I'm not against adjusting it until the price and value meet in the middle, its simple economics. Its much more lucrative to have 500 people paying $3-4 bucks than 10 people paying 10 bucks.
I think as you guys see the master plan a bit more you'll find more value in what has already be proposed in terms of feature list. I'd like to continue to take feedback on what someone thinks a VIP membership should be priced at because the price given has had little to no thought put into it. I see some people are getting their panties twisted a little bit over it and that is good in my opinion. I WANT you guys to take this as personal as me because my intention is to make this the best place possible for everyone, not a draconian, corporate money grab that only I can enjoy... I'm not Electronic Arts, okay?
Speaking of money grabs,
Locking people out of certain sections of the website for financial gain is just greedy in general.
You're beginning to sound entitled, but first let me point out I've asked you a question and you refuse to answer, so I'll consider your input null until you do. You are acting like I'm trying to be mean to you or something, why? You talk about other websites and your poor experience there, why in the world would I want to make this site like that, whatever it is? So please, enlighten me and give me an example of what type of thread inside the VIP area "locked away" from the eyes of the non-paying, would be unfair? You are incapable of telling me for a reason that frankly perplexes me. But once you do give me an example, most likely I'll say fine, that won't be allowed. And I will ask you, is that it? And then it won't be unfair anymore, will it? So
@martymil please tell me, what would be unfair, help me make it fair, ball in your court. My door is open all day for debate, but you need to convince me with actual points, present a real case. You have not convinced me a private forum is unfair in the slightest. You have no idea what is going to be allowed in that private forum, that is how I know you're entirely off-base to make this claim. I don't even know what will be allowed in there yet, so how can you?