As for his "AWESOME" Turbos. Congrats Doug, you are using single journal bearings in your MHI turbos. MHI did it 20+ years ago in ONE MODEL the TC04. Where is the TC04 now? It's in the garbage can, one, and done. They scraped it, why? Because it was failure prone and did not work well. Guess what ALL MHI turbos have come with since, and still. Twin Journal bearings. Why? I will let people with common sense figure that out. So you have now "updated" your turbos with 20-year-old tech, that the actual manufacture scaped because it was garbage, and your big selling point after that is let's wait for it, drum roll, please. Water Jackets..... Man, you cannot make this stuff up. You really can't Doug, do this.
Next we will address those thrust bearings. Since you have never actually built a turbocharger, and have limited knowledge of them, it is not surprising you have taken a factory TD04 thrust with a single oiling hole, and actually made it worse than it was stock. Thats not easy to do, and you have accomplished that. That you want to put two thrusts side by side, and try to make people believe the thrust with the single oiling hole is superior to the thrust that provides twice the oil volume to the one place in a turbocharger where oil volume is abssolutely critical, and is the main factor in keeping a turbocharger alive shows me you truly have no idea what you are doing. You are basically trying to sell people on bullshit fake news, and “upgrades” you did. Same way you tried to sell everyone your bullshit data sets.
Do us all a favor. Once you have anything resembling a real set of results, please share them with us all. I know, I know in 2 years it's hard to get those pesky results. But hey, maybe you will get them one day.
See you on the other side, Doug.