hi again.
now i have done some analyzes of 1 mile runs and some good and some bad informations.
old setup
VRSF 5 inch street fmic
-start temp 80F and end temp 185F (iat +105F@30sec)
-run lenght about 30 sec flat out
-1 liter(1/4 gallon) ultrafine mist of windshield washer fluid sprayed on
the outside of fmic at whole run
-wdgc in level 80 whole run
-boost target 28 psi
-boost 28 psi
new setup
VRFS race 7.5 inch fmic
-start temp 96F(heat soak in lineup) and end temp 123F (iat + 27F@ 30sec)
-run lenght about 30 sec flat out
-1 liter(1/4 gallon) ultrafine mist of windshield washer fluid sprayed on
the outside of fmic at whole run
-wdgc in level 80 whole run
-boost target 28 psi
-boost 25 psi
compare and enjoy
like i told before, there is a difference in real full pull run and dyno queen.
on dyno, you get constanrtair flow trough intercooler what supposed to be road speed
of some 100-200 kmh without any heat soak on it cause of very little resistance of rollers (measure inertia) and from that a 1 gear pull (4th) lasting maybe 5 sec.
on real life, start is from zero, no air flow trough ic, only heat soak, then like on these
standing mile runs 30 sec wot with increased air flow trouhg whole run but on other
side with more heat soak all the time to ic.
on that first run if you analyze the curve of iat, temp stability of ic could be prox reached some 1 minute after start (run ended long before that) at some 220F.
on second run, same situation, temp stability take a minute to reach and
there it could be in a range of 140F (start temp was 96f but caused on heat soak so
i do calculations on 80F in this case too)