DIY E89 Z4 fuel system - DI only LPFP / HPFP


Lieutenant General
Staff member
Aug 11, 2017
E89 Z4 35i, F10 535d
I already have one 535 pump in tank. But I want to know if anybody know how much stock LPFP in E89 I capable of :)
No one knows exactly, to my knowledge, and it is part of a whole system so that makes it tough - a LPH rating is still just a generalization. A lot of tuners seem to say it is like a "stage one" setup ... in that it flows more than the other N54 cars with a stock setup. If you are FBO on just pump gas, and all your stuff is healthy you might be fine. Turbos or ethanol mix, forget it.

These cars are old enough, anyway, that changing the pump is just not a bad idea. The lack of a LPFP sensor complicates knowing if there is a lift pump capacity issue when tuning. Another reason to go proactive. The downside is the E89 is underside mount for the pump, which sucks. One can order an LPFP upgraded bucket from several vendors, or you can roll your own. IMHO easiest way to roll one's own is to just buy a used bucket on eBay and build it up.


Jul 3, 2019

Like i said before , the wires on the new pump needed to be reversed =opposite like was in pictures in this thread.

I had EKP error 6292 Control voltage too low right after startup.

After digging in the NCSEXPERT,DUMMY,INPA and protools i found that "throttle voltage fix" which i applyed straigt after pump swap was the problem .

After finding and partially understanding the hex codes in the ekpm3 module, i found out that the values was altered like the Vehicular diy made them manually in the posted youtube vid. But there is a one catch, THE E89 IS UNICORN. And the values from regular n54 from all other bmw does not apply to Z4. (THEY ARE DIFFERENT). After coding back to stock parameters the error finally go away.

记录后,我注意到我的 HPFP 压力在某些 RPM 之间下降。看起来比我之前在泵安装之前和 5000 公里之前制作的日志还要糟糕。

糟糕的是我看不到 LPFP 压力来确认新泵比旧泵工作得更好,这将是非常好的改造或至少以某种方式知道压力。


5000 公里前的原木,带有 OEM 泵。

1. HPFP 看上去是不是很虚弱,快要死了?
2. 我发现油门释放后,有时第 2 排的 Lambda 不会像第 1 排那样快地达到 234,我在 5.000 公里前更换了一个排中的喷油器,并将看起来最好的旧喷油器放到了另一排(但是不记得是哪家银行了)。喷油器泄漏是否有可能导致 HPFP 压力下降?
3. 在最后一次骑行中,我在转速高于 4,000rpm 的地方几次感觉到动力猛烈,这是非常明显的,但很短。
4. 压力调节器及其过滤器是否会导致这种情况(我保留了原来的。)

我将非常感谢您的帮助,新的 HPFP 并不便宜,因为不是注射器。
so,Should the red line on the pump use the white line of the car?


Jul 3, 2019
My pump worked immediately I tried it in car. Car started directly. About + and - I connected as I wrote before, red from pump to red/brown from car, and white from pump to black from car.
Check again that you do not forget any connector...
Do red and brown are connected?


Jul 3, 2019
Wait.Doesnt the morelli stated opposite way?
What exactly is the right thing? I found that the 535 lpfp on the E89 Z4 is connected in white and black in the picture.


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Jul 3, 2019
The Walbro "535" LPFP build
I bought the Walbro pump and install kit as one unit from JDT Racing.

Building the 535lph-capable Z4 LPFP is fairly straightforward. Installation is a different animal, which I'll cover in a later post. I recommend buying a used factory Z4 fuel bucket. This will set you back about $100, but convenient to swap. If one doesn't wish to spend the $100, the good news is that the conversion is quick so downtime is minimum.

When the bucket comes apart, you will destroy two hoses - the 315mm primary hose from the pump to the outlet on the regulator/filter side, and the short return line that comes from the T back into the fuel bucket. The 125m short line needs to be cut to be able to disassemble the fuel bucket. Cut the short line in half so the bucket can come apart.

View attachment 56815 View attachment 56819

The bucket has two tabs the hold the inner sleeve (which holds the pump assembly) in the outer bucket. Two small flat screwdrivers can be slid into the tabs and left there. Simply pull the inner sleeve out. Now the pump is visible. Just pull off the filter, and pop the pump out of the inner sleeve. Using a box cutting razor blade, carefully cut the two lines at the barb ends for the main line from the pump to the connector, and the earlier 125mm line that was cut, so that the lines can be slipped off the barbs.

Next, I recommend reusing the factory sock filter. Clean the sock liberally with brake cleaner. I had a bit of debri on the bottom which quickly came clean (which can be seen in the photo below).

View attachment 56822

The new pump is a direct fit, both to the factory sock filter and the inner bucket sleeve. What is different? The Walbro 295 pump has an integrated wiring harness, where as the factory pump has a brown and black wire which are simply clipped on. Unclip the wires from the factory pump. Cut the two crimp connectors off. The Walbro 400-1168 kit includes the connectors which are to be installed on the factory harness, where the original fuel pump clips were cut. As for wiring - red wire from Walbro is positive, white is ground. Wire the connector so white/brown and red/black. Once the Walbro connector is assembled onto the factory harness, it can plug directly into the pump connector. Below one can see the parts needed and the resulting wiring assembly.

View attachment 56824 View attachment 56825

The two replacement hoses and clamps will come from the kit I note above, and the 300mm line noted above. As I mention in the above photo, one can use the supplied clamps, but I prefer using Oetiker style clamps for everything. If going that route, one can purchase a oetiker clamp kit. To install the two lines, you'll need oetiker clamp tool. I highly recommend the Knipex 10 99 I220.

Two small points on the replacement - the 300mm replacement line is of sufficient length for replacing the factory 300mm line. The 100mm line is actually replaced with a slightly longer line (from the Walbro 400-1168 kit) which provides enough length that one can actually now disassemble the bucket without cutting the short T line.

At this point one has a completely functional Walbro 295 pump. Remember it has no check valve. On the Z4 one can run without a check valve. Alternately, an inline Fuelab filter with check valve can be used underneath the car. Specifically the Fuelab 84831, which supports ethanol, and provides 6 micron filtration which lets one remove the filter in the HPFP.

View attachment 56826

View attachment 56827
What exactly is the right thing? I found that the 535 lpfp on the E89 Z4 is connected in white and black in the picture.


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New Member
Aug 27, 2023
So I did the harness to z4 and lpfp sensor like above and selected 0 in xdf for Z4 but my z4 still isn't reading.

Do I need to change anything else.