Pishhhh that's nothing for a small business loan.Direct turbos from China, balance and mark-up. Maybe bulk contract a cnc shop for better thrust bearings. stage 2++ ultra
Pishhhh that's nothing for a small business loan.Direct turbos from China, balance and mark-up. Maybe bulk contract a cnc shop for better thrust bearings. stage 2++ ultra
Boy are you ever into this DAW debacle. Hmm?Both the DAW vsr balance sheets and the impeachment is all made up bullshit!
He probably balances them on the same machine FrankenTurbo uses:
View attachment 32494
View attachment 32495
There are low speed balancers he could buy for small money vs high speed vsr if he wanted to do anything in house:
Regarding high speed vs. low speed a component that is .05 gram inches out of balance at 1,000 rpm will be out of balance .05 gram inches at 100k rpm. While the force increases with speed the actual imbalance amount does not increase.
However according to Shawn, "Nobody said we have an in house vsr machine as we send our bearing housings out to another state for assembly & balancing just like all the others do as there is only around 6 of those machines in the USA. We just happen to be the only one that admits this."
There are only 6 vsr turbine balancers in the country?
A quick google for "vsr turbo balancing service" seems to be a lot of companies around the country offers this service?
Can someone explain to me why e90post is being shady with DAW?
All my comments were deleted off a thread. All i asked was what happened with the thread as i havent checked these forums in a while. Also saying i was glad i went with Pure.
Quite simple really. This guy dublin14 was banned for derailing that thread and disrespecting people haha. That’s actually his post above on this thread “d14”. He must have came here to start up the daw train againCan someone explain to me why e90post is being shady with DAW?
All my comments were deleted off a thread. All i asked was what happened with the thread as i havent checked these forums in a while. Also saying i was glad i went with Pure.
The DAW thread was taken down because you spammed the shit out of it. Here you are again on another forum foingQuite simple really. This clown dublin14 was banned for derailing that thread and disrespecting people haha. That’s actually his post above on this thread “d14”. He must have came here to start up the train again
Slim92 spammed the crap out of the DAW thread telling everyone to FA and stfu. He was ridiculed by many for not being able to back up his claims and went nuts when he told everyone his Dad has a super fast car thats faster than everyone elses and picked on for that with hurt feelings.Here he is again raging about DAW on another forum. Pink wheels to boot lol.Can someone explain to me why e90post is being shady with DAW?
All my comments were deleted off a thread. All i asked was what happened with the thread as i havent checked these forums in a while. Also saying i was glad i went with Pure.
How those niches holding up champ.The DAW thread was taken down because you spammed the shit out of it. Here you are again on another forum foing
Slim92 spammed the crap out of the DAW thread telling everyone to FA and stfu. He was ridiculed by many for not being able to back up his claims and went nuts when he told everyone his Dad has a super fast car thats faster than everyone elses and picked on for that with hurt feelings.Here he is again raging about DAW on another forum. Pink wheels to boot lol.
Anyways Im here to see the reviews coming before I buy a set.
Better than your stocker rattle can pinkys. Tslj about funny. Looks like you got all your posts pulled dowm on e90 and reprimanded by the mods again. Ive been on e90 for 8 years never had an issue. Back in a few months. Not that it really matters though. GL with your own China turbos.How those niches holding up champ.You can’t shit post on e90 no more, you better tread easily on here killer you might have no forum left to advertise your China turbos...
How those niches holding up champ.You can’t shit post on e90 no more, you better tread easily on here killer you might have no forum left to advertise your China turbos...
No chance of a reprimand for me. I actually reported you and the mod thanked me for it via message before they banned you, As they suspected you of being one of the vendors for the dawg turbos tread lightly. We’re watching.Better than your stocker rattle can pinkys. Tslj about funny. Looks like you got all your posts pulled dowm on e90 and reprimanded by the mods again. Ive been on e90 for 8 years never had an issue. Back in a few months. Not that it really matters though. GL with your own China turbos.
Wromg again. But its hilarious to see the paranoia. I have nothing to do with DAW. One day you might get something right. Run along now.No chance of a reprimand for me. I actually reported you and the mod thanked me for it via message before they banned you, As they suspected you of being one of the vendors for the dawg turbos tread lightly. We’re watching.
Thats funny.Dawwitdadawdabangdabang boogie said upchuck the boogie ya da best
Dawwitdabawwwwwthey went bang when I boogied said go fuck your budget
daw shit
no daw the shit
Dawwwww your to kind
PM can I get my money back I think you accidentally sent me the wrong balance sheet
Encase anyone is coming to thread late see cliffsnotes above