Coolant Fitting Broke Off Inside Engine Block Receptacle


Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
Hey Everyone...just wondering...if you tried to take off a hard plastic coolant pipe and the head/fitting with the gaskets breaks off and is stuck inside the engine block...what would you do to remove it? I've been thinking about this because this happened to me on an old e46...but it could happen on an n54.
Here are the possible remedies, please add if you have more possible solutions.

1. use expanding circlip pliers to grip inside of broken fitting and pull out --- tried this and it does not work.
2. use micormeter smaller bolt and screw into inside of fitting then use a vice grip to wiggle the fitting out? Have not tried this yet.

Any tools exist that are designed for this specific task? Any additional ideas?

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Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
Considering the graphic I took time to make for you... you seriously think this tool is a good idea to scrape against the hole's mating surface?
I would be paying 72 bucks to risk scraping the mating surface and have no way to fix it...all because I ignored the fact that it was metal next to metal. WOULD YOU RISK IT? Sure you MIGHT be able to get away with it if you are really lucky and have xmen dexterity... I am neither of those things. I can't believe I had to model a 3D diagram to show you the dangers of this tool.



May 25, 2018
08 BMW e92
Yes, i would have and have done it. I told you. A little scratch or scrape isnt going to hurt it. Think about when you shove that new fresh o ring'd coolant adapter in there, what's the rings do? They compress. So any little knick that ring will push in and cover, because its under compression. Same applies to o rings in hydraulic situations. Imagine how many dings and dents are in one of those cylinder rods and it doesn't leak. Because it covers it. Plus, the coolant system isn't under that much pressure. 16-18lbs? Thats not shit for a o ring.

Its simple dont hulk smash into and gouge the aluminium like cutting butter. You do it your way, we'll do it ours. Youre what we call an askhole. You ask, dont get the answer you want and turn into an asshole. Like was mentioned theres many ways to do things. If you seen the shit race drivers did back in the day, you'd probably have a stroke.


Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
Yes, i would have and have done it. I told you. A little scratch or scrape isnt going to hurt it. Think about when you shove that new fresh o ring'd coolant adapter in there, what's the rings do? They compress. So any little knick that ring will push in and cover, because its under compression. Same applies to o rings in hydraulic situations. Imagine how many dings and dents are in one of those cylinder rods and it doesn't leak. Because it covers it. Plus, the coolant system isn't under that much pressure. 16-18lbs? Thats not shit for a o ring.

Its simple dont hulk smash into and gouge the aluminium like cutting butter. You do it your way, we'll do it ours. Youre what we call an askhole. You ask, dont get the answer you want and turn into an asshole. Like was mentioned theres many ways to do things. If you seen the shit race drivers did back in the day, you'd probably have a stroke.

OK, so you WOULD RISK damage the mating surface. YOU WOULD HAVE BOUGHT A 72 DOLLAR tool to take out a nipple when you could have used a soldering iron? Well, then, I am glad I don't take advice from you.

A little scratch isn't going to hurt? Sure, maybe so... but how the fuck do you guarantee that you won't make a mistake and gouge the fuck out of it accidentally? Are you serious? There's one way to guarantee that won't EVER happen... DON'T FUCKING DO IT. Use a soldering iron and eliminate the risk of damage completely.

OK, so do it your way. Racers do lots of crazy things so I shouldn't worry about it? Do you think I am on a racing team with resources to replace engines? You're insane. YOU are the snowflake arguing for the sake of arguing. Your arguments fall apart when examined closely.
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May 25, 2018
08 BMW e92
Why not just take it to your bmw dealer next time and let a professional tech do it? Since you know, we're not certified to work on them, and the way some of us do it isnt good enough for you? Then you dont have to worry about it being scratched. Fuck just have them do all your work. Then you dont have to worry about shit.

Yes, i will do it that way and continue. Patience is a virtue, and so is not strong arming the cocksucker. Aluminum is soft i get it. But its not that soft. I don't think you realize that. When i have one leak, I'll be sure to post up here and let you know i was wrong and suck it up. Since you're an expert in the field even though you gotta ask how to even do it in the first place.

You apparently didn't understand the reference. Im done with this.


Apr 19, 2017
335i e93
Why not just take it to your bmw dealer next time and let a professional tech do it? Since you know, we're not certified to work on them, and the way some of us do it isnt good enough for you? Then you dont have to worry about it being scratched. Fuck just have them do all your work. Then you dont have to worry about shit.

Yes, i will do it that way and continue. Patience is a virtue, and so is not strong arming the cocksucker. Aluminum is soft i get it. But its not that soft. I don't think you realize that. When i have one leak, I'll be sure to post up here and let you know i was wrong and suck it up. Since you're an expert in the field even though you gotta ask how to even do it in the first place.

You apparently didn't understand the reference. Im done with this.

Yeah, you're done alright. You're so logical that you post infantile memes because I didn't take your advice... Good riddens. I really hope you have 100% good luck, because IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY fuck up, you cannot fix that leaky hole. It is NOT worth the risk. You can get away with shit...and even most of the time...THAT DOES NOT MEAN you will escape statistical mathematics. You expose yourself to the possiblity. I am in the mindset of NASA... we do not take risks when it comes to high value projects. We don't go off of prayer, chance or luck. We make sure that there is ZERO possibility of error. But hey... you want to live on the edge? Go right ahead. I'll stick with the soldering iron and 5 minutes it took to melt the plastic vs. paying 72 bucks to do the same damn thing....that's idiotic...but thanks for the GREAT suggestion.

The Convert

Jun 4, 2017
Yeah, you're done alright. You're so logical that you post infantile memes because I didn't take your advice... Good riddens. I really hope you have 100% good luck, because IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY fuck up, you cannot fix that leaky hole. It is NOT worth the risk. You can get away with shit...and even most of the time...THAT DOES NOT MEAN you will escape statistical mathematics. You expose yourself to the possiblity. I am in the mindset of NASA... we do not take risks when it comes to high value projects. We don't go off of prayer, chance or luck. We make sure that there is ZERO possibility of error. But hey... you want to live on the edge? Go right ahead. I'll stick with the soldering iron and 5 minutes it took to melt the plastic vs. paying 72 bucks to do the same damn thing....that's idiotic...but thanks for the GREAT suggestion.
Hey, since you mentioned “the nasa mindset” and statistics, where do you work, what’s your job title, where did you attend college, and what did you study? Just curious. If none of your answers align with the nasa mindset or statistics I won’t shit on you, I promise, but I’d like to understand your beyond rigid approach to everything you do when you don’t know what you’re doing to begin with.
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New Member
Dec 7, 2024
I owe y'all big for this thread. I was terrified that a coolant hose in my E63S had broken at the rear (I broke it)...right next to the firewall.

The soldering iron trick is AWESOME!!!! 45 seconds, melt a slot, the O-Ring came out (it did not melt) and the rest fell right out (with the dreaded 90' pick!!!!)

Thank you again, save me some heartache and sleep.


Jul 18, 2018
09 335i
This thread was a hilarious read. My experience when my coolant fitting broke is the remnants were about as hard as unfired clay. All these "what ifs" for something that is a non issue.

Even IF a hamfist used a screwdriver to remove the broken piece, the sealing surface would clean up with emery cloth in 10 seconds.