So I've read through all pages of this thread....but I still have some questions on some recent BOV issues I've been having. I will try to keep this short....I have two main questions.
So...some background. I've been running an MHD OTS stage 2+ E40 tune for 6 months now. I'm still on stock turbos, and I'm running a Tial BOV with the standard 10psi spring. Car runs great, logs look fantastic, no issues. Nice "WOOOOSH" sound when I get out of the throttle and the boost dumps. Very happy with the entire setup. All is good.
Recently I noticed that there was a crack in the flange of the rear oem inlet where it hooks to the turbo. I decided to install some VRSF 1.75" silicone inlets. Install went runs great, but now I have this horrible screeching parrot/squealing noise every time the BOV dumps pressure. (see attached video).
So...after finding this thread, and seeing some of VCC's suggestions....I swapped the 10psi spring that the Tial BOV came with for the black 7psi spring. It's slightly open at idle (spring can't overcome vacuum from engine), but it sounds like that's not a big deal are my questions.
1. The screeching parrot sound is still there....even with the 7psi spring in the Tail BOV and new 1/4" ID line going to it from the BMS adapter. What can I do to get rid of that horrible sound? Is that just a product of the silicon inlets? If so, why?
2. With the lighter spring, I'm getting what sounds like BOV flutter at low rpm/low load/low boost's annoying. I never had this with the 10psi spring. What's causing this?
WOT logs still look great, car runs great, no issues at all....just some flutter at mid boost, and the hoot-owl sound from the BOV that's embarrassing.
Any advice would be a huge help!! Thanks!